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Rhinarium. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Rhinarium d'un chat Le rhinarium ou la truffe est la surface sans poil, et parfois humide, qui entoure les narines d'un grand nombre de mammifères, avec absence de soudure de la lèvre supérieure (avec une fente). Le rhinarium est un caractère ancestral qui n'est présent que chez les primates les plus éloignés de l'Homme : les lémuriens et les Loris. Chez les autres primates haplorrhiniens dont l'Homme fait partie, il a évolué en un nez caractérisé par: la présence de poils possible entre les narines,la soudure complète de la lèvre supérieure et de la fente entre les narines. Portail de la zoologie. Oreillard d'Hemprich. Did You Hear That? I Think It Was A Walrus. Stand aside Beyonce, there's a new sound in town.

More than 9,000 sounds, to be more precise. The Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology has just finished digitizing its huge archive of wildlife sounds and made it available online. "It represents the voice of the world — all the voices of the world," Greg Budney, audio curator for the archive, tells NPR's Scott Simon. Among the vast collection are birds, mammals, insects and amphibians, Budney says, all made available "to anyone who has an interest in nature, in conservation and in the world around them. " The library's holdings total more than 7,000 hours of sounds, the result of an 80-year collaboration between the scientific community and the library's "volunteer collaborators: private individuals who record for a hobby, really with no other purpose than engaging in science," Budney says. David Cook Wildlife Photography/flickr Ken Canning/ Courtesy of John S.

Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary. Tarsier. The Tarsier is a small type of primate that not many people are familiar with. It spends most of its time in the trees and they have long tails. They are nocturnal so they are mainly out at night, making it hard to see them. In some cultures the Tarsier is considered to be a good luck charm and highly regarded. They only weigh about 5 ounces when they are fully mature. This primate has a body that is covered in brownish fur that is very soft. They are small with very large eyes that seem to bulge out of their head. The forests of the Philippines with plenty of coverage in the trees offers the best habitat for them.

The Tarsier are very social and they often live in groups. They don’t seem to do well in captivity, and that makes it hard to really observe all of their behaviors. Tarsier – Family Tarsiidae The Tarsier consumes all types of insects. Mating can occur for the Tarsier around 2 years of age. After mating it takes about 6 months for the young to be born. Les Cynocéphales.

Les Cynocéphales constituent un genre de Singes de l'ancien continent appartenant à la sous-famille des Cercopithécidés et caractérisé par la forme du museau qui se prolonge en avant comme celui du chien, d'où le nom du genre (en grec, tête de chien). Chez ces animaux le nez est placé à l'extrémité du museau qui se trouve tronqué en avant comme chez les carnivores, ce qui leur donne une physionomie plus bestiale que celle des autres Singes à tête plus ou moins arrondie. - Une famille de Babouins. Les Cynocéphales, que, l'on désigne vulgairement sous le nom de Babouins et de Papions, et auxquels on réunit aussi les Mandrilles ou Mandrills, sont, après les Anthropoïdes, les plus grands et les plus forts de tous les Singes. Leurs proportions surtout sont plus robustes et plus trapues que celles des Cercopithèques et des Macaques, et leur queue, toujours assez courte, est quelquefois réduite à un simple tronçon. Un Mandrille. Babouins en promenade. en ait fait une espèce à part.

The Evolution of Early Man. Early Man Sean D. Pitman, M.D. Updated October 2005 Introduction Taking isolated similarities by themselves, the theory of evolution appears to be quite reasonable... to a point. Piltdown Man -- Eanthropus dawsoni or "dawn man. " Of course many scientists love to predict the discussion of Piltdown Man by those who are doubtful of evolution.

So obviously, the point of including the Piltdown Man hoax in this discussion is to show that even scientists are, or at least have been, capable and possibly even willing to overlook something if it matches their preconceived ideas. Nebraska Man--Hesperopithecus haroldcookii was discovered in 1922 in the Pliocene deposits of Nebraska by Mr.

In defense of the scientists of the day, many like to point out that this drawing was done for a non-scientific popular magazine. "Mr. I dare say that this disclaimer comment did not disclaim enough! Little did Osborn know exactly how inaccurate it would turn out to be. Getting it in the Right Ballpark - Sort of . . . L'arbre phylogénétique de cinq espèces de mammifères - Travailler sur des sujets du bac - SVT - Terminale S.