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Productivity tool

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Online Project Management | Smartsheet. Casual — online project management with reusable project workflows. Visual and simple. Organize anything, together. | Trello. LifeRPG - Organize Your Life. Cold Turkey: The Free Productivity Program. HabitRPG by Tyler Renelle. (Follow updates here) HabitRPG is a habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.

Level up as you succeed, lose HP as you fail, earn money to buy weapons and armor. Read more. The project is open source, and is live. Website bug fixes like whoa! Since the Kickstarter began, the following features have been added: PartiesPetsAvatar customizationBetter armor customization The funds go towards hiring guns to help me complete the above tasks. Looks like we're about to tip my friends! Awards and BadgesShow off your achievements (including your backer tier) to your friends.ProfilesA modal showing your profile pic, badges, blurb, websites, and gear. Cross-Profile ChallengesAssign Habits, Dailies, Todos, Rewards to your friends & family.QuestsParticipate in "Streak" challenges (eg, 10 days bike to work) to earn extra GP/Exp and item drops! The Class SystemDepending on the types of tasks you complete, you gain Attack, Defense, Agility, or Intelligence.

WorkFlowy - Organize your brain.