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Web. Portal de Filosofia da Técnica - Object-Oriented Philosophy. Relire Marcuse pour ne pas vivre comme des porcs, par Gilles Châtelet. « Cette destinée est mystérieuse pour nous car nous ne comprenons pas pourquoi les bisons sont tous massacrés, les chevaux sauvages domestiqués, les lieux secrets de la forêt lourds de l’odeur de tant d’hommes, et la vue des belles collines souillée par des fils de fer qui parlent.

Où sont les fourrés profonds ? Disparus. Où est l’aigle ? Disparu. C’est la fin de la vie et le commencement de la survivance. » Déclaration du chef indien Seattle au président des Etats-Unis (1894). « Because something is happening here But you don’t know what it is Do you Mister Jones ? Bob Dylan, Ballad of the Thin Man (1). Ce refrain connu de Bob Dylan n’aurait certainement pas déplu au jeune Herbert Marcuse (2), qui appréciait déjà - bien avant la génération beat - les randonnées et les feux de bois des Wandervögel (3). Recommandé par Husserl, Herbert Marcuse rejoint, à Francfort, Adorno et Walter Benjamin à l’Institut für Sozial Forschung, dirigé par Horkheimer.

Parasitic Interventions: Game Patches and Hacker Art. "Parasitic Interventions: Game Patches and Hacker Art" by Anne-Marie Schleiner "This page has been constructed to allow you to get some of the cool add-ons that I have collected over the years. All the files are shareware and can be freely distributed provided they are not used for capital gain. The usual shareware jargon. " Beginning with add-on levels for bloodthirsty first person shooters a new kind of popular art form has emerged on the Internet that fuses the tactics of the hacker with the sensibility of the avid gamer.

Lets depart for a moment from the game patch to trace a few historical nodes in technocultural genealogy where computer hacking and games interlock. Again a confluence of hacking and gaming surfaced in the late 1970’s San Francisco Bay Area bootstrapping of the Homebrewer Computer Club. Figure 1. Network topologies "Every enemy is represented here in the zoo. Figure 2. (mapped onto standarad QuakeII female 3-d model) Game Patches as Hacker Art Figure 3. Figure 6. 2. 3. MouseSite. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Cell Phone Culture.

Abstract No contemporary cultural artifact embodies the genius and the disruptive excess of capitalism as clearly as the cell phone. Ubiquitous in most developed societies in Europe, the Americas and Asia, the cell phone has become a laboratory – some would say an asylum – for testing the limits of technological convergence. Less a telephone today than a multi-purpose computer, cell phones are game consoles, still cameras, email systems, text messengers, carriers of entertainment and business data, nodes of commerce. Particular age cohorts and subcultures have begun to appropriate cell phones for idiosyncratic uses that help to define their niche or social identity. Today’s Forum will examine the cell phone as a technological object and as a cultural form whose uses and meaning are increasingly various, an artifact uniquely of our time that is enacting, to borrow the words of a contemporary novelist, “a ceaseless spectacle of transition.”

Speakers Summary Discussion Audiocast Article.