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Le Guide de la curation (1) - Les concepts. 01net le 14/03/11 à 16h00 Etymologie La pratique qui consiste à sélectionner, éditorialiser et partager du contenu a été baptisée par les Américains curation ou Content Curation, par analogie avec la mission du curator, le commissaire d’exposition chargé de sélectionner des œuvres d’art et de les mettre en valeur pour une exposition.

Le Guide de la curation (1) - Les concepts

Les termes curation et curator prennent leurs racines étymologiques dans le latin cura, le soin. Ils n’ont pas d’équivalent en français, nous les utiliserons ici dans leur contexte anglais (curation en français désigne le traitement d’une maladie). Le terme curation est apparu en France fin 2010. Historique La curation est la convergence des deux principales activités sur internet : la recherche et le partage. Elle est indissociable de la culture du partage, dont elle est l’héritière. Parallèlement, le volume d’informations n’a cessé de croître. Mais avant que le terme curation ne consacre l’usage, il y a eu quelques tentatives de coller une étiquette. Aggregation Is Not Curation - There Is A Big Difference. Posted by Tom Foremski - November 2, 2010 Curation is becoming an increasingly important term and for good reason: the online world is increasingly messy, muddled and full of blind alleys.

Aggregation Is Not Curation - There Is A Big Difference

Search used to be the best way to navigate online but today it is only one part of an Internet user's dashboard. Finding things is fine if you know what to look for, but search is increasingly less effective in judging the quality of links, or putting those links into a context. Blekko, the recently launched search engine tries to provide a context for search terms but it's still not curation but aggregation So what is curation? Here is my definition: Curation is a person or persons, engaged in the act of choosing and presenting things related to a specific topic and context. An example of curation: the San Francisco De Young museums is exhibiting post-impressionist masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay's permanent collection.

Curation is about choosing what's in a collection. . - Pearltrees is dynamic. Curation And The Human Web... Posted by Tom Foremski - November 16, 2010 There is no doubt in my mind that the topic of curation and the Internet, is an important one and that it will be a dominant topic in 2011.

Curation And The Human Web...

Curation is important because we are reaching the limits of what can be achieved through algorithms and machines in organizing and navigating the Internet. Aggregation looks like curation but it's not. (Please see: Aggregation Is Not Curation - There Is A Big Difference - SVW) I define curation as a person, or a group of people, engaged in choosing and presenting a collection of things related to a specific topic and context. Aggregation employs software (algorithms) and machines (servers) to assemble a collection of things related to a specific topic and context. Aggregation tools can be employed by curators but the human act of curation adds a layer of value that aggregation alone cannot provide.

A good example is Techmeme, the news aggregator run by Gabe Rivera. However, such approaches reach a natural limit.