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Animar imágenes en 3D gratuitos con DAZ Studio. DAZ Studio is a software that allows you to make and animate 3D digital images. More easy to use and free, it is the clone of the program specialized in the staging of 3D models Poser . With DAZ Studio, you will be able to create your own 3D images, to stage your virtual people, import patterns, objects, lighting effects, hairstyles, clothing ... To learn more about the various features of DAZ Studio, follow this way and discover DAZ Studio via these videos : There are still other on You Tube. DAZ Studio is compatible with operating systems Windows and Mac OSX.To download, click here. You will notice that there is not big deal in the library : there are few models, a few sets and objects, stagings... but it remains fairly limited. There is still a free pack 3D Bridge Starter pack for download via the site DAZ 3D, and, by subscribing to the newsletter you will receive regular offerings models for free download.

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