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Disney vs James Cameron. Police Intimidation Level. Programming Languages are like Women. There are so many programming languages available that it can be very difficult to get to know them all well enough to pick the right one for you. On the other hand most men know what kind of woman appeals to them. So here is a handy guide for many of the popular programming languages that describes what kind of women they would be if programming languages were women. Assembler - A female track star who holds all the world speed records.

She is hard and bumpy, and so is not that pleasant to embrace. She can cook up any meal, but needs a complete and detailed recipe. She is not beautiful or educated, and speaks in monosyllables like "MOV, JUMP, INC". She has a fierce and violent temper that make her the choice of last resort. By: Daniel J. Back to Rainbow Humor Page. KAT is doing The Ugly Dance.