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Bob's Red Mill Recipes - Teff Pancakes. Spiced Up & Stacked Pumpkin Butter Pancakes For One. I am downright giddy this morning. The sun is finally here and the temperature is warm! And it is supposed to stay this way for the Thanksgiving weekend. I feel like running a marathon. Ok, maybe not a full marathon, but I am excited for my run today. ;) Yesterday I got out for a 4 mile run and it was glorious. This morning I had some pancake business to take care of after yesterday’s debacle… Meet yesterday: Don’t ask. Meet today: The angels are singing, can you hear them? Spiced Up & Stacked Pumpkin Butter Pancakes For One Adapted from my healthy Spelt Pancakes For One Ingredients: 1/2 cup stone ground Kamut flour (or flour of choice)3/4 cup almond milk1 tbsp baking powder1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste or 1 tsp pure vanilla extract3/4 tsp cinnamon + dash of nutmeg + dash ginger1/2 tbsp sugarPinch sea salt1 tbsp coconut oil, meltedPecansHomemade Pumpkin Butter Directions: Grease and preheat a skillet on the stovetop.

I’m seriously addicted to this Homemade Pumpkin Butter. Have a great day! Pancakes. Pumpkin Pie For Breakfast. Yes Please! Hello there! Well, my first sleep-in on a Saturday since June was just as good as I hoped it would be! I got home last night around 11pm and my head promptly hit the pillow until 8:30am this morning. I was actually wide awake around 8ish, but I just stayed under the comfy sheets for a while and read some Eat Pray Love - something I haven’t had time for all week.

It was wonderful . I am almost finished the book. What else does a gal do on a lovely Saturday morning? I enjoyed a Pumpkin Pie Banana Chunk Oatmeal Cookie for a little pre-run fuel. I also downed a couple cuppas of Japanese Sencha Green Tea ! While I love this mug from Urban Outfitters, I really think it should say ‘My CUPPA tea’ ;) Or maybe that is just the Irish influence I have from Eric’s family!

Then I hit the road for my long run of the week. Long Run : Distance : 9.01 miles Time : 1 hour 20 minutes 10 secs. At mile 6 and mile 7 I had a medjool date for fuel. Racing Updates: Pumpkin Pie Vegan Overnight Oats Ingredients: The Blackstrap Reunion. I have to warn you, you are about to witness a blackstrap molasses feast over the next little while. Buckle up, it’s going to be a fun ride. Yesterday, my wholesale order reunited me with my beloved Blackstrap Molasses. I have been out of it for a long time.

Too long, my friends, too long. I love blackstrap molasses and all the delicious creations it touches from ginger bread to Wedded Bliss ginger cookies to Maple baked beans and everything in between. Blackstrap molasses is the tallest, darkest, and most handsome of all things syrup. In just 1 tablespoon: 175 mg of calcium, 3.6 mg of iron, 45 mg of magnesium, 510 mg potassium How bout them apples! Blackstrap molasses is a great supplement to any diet, not just for vegans, but for women in general. So…..I cracked it open and did what any normal human being would do; I made Gingerbread Pumpkin Vegan Overnight Oats! Gingerbread Pumpkin Vegan Overnight Oat Parfait Inspired by Yo Soy.

Ingredients: Notes: This recipe will work without pumpkin too. Winter Buckwheat Porridge. © 2009 Green Kitchen Stories We celebrated this Christmas holiday with David’s mother. Every morning she made this amazing Buckwheat porridge for everyone. This is her story behind it. I learned how to make this Buckwheat porridge on a yoga retreat, a couple of years ago. I cook it with cinnamon sticks, cardamom seeds and dried fruit to make it extra tasty, and serve it with a fresh fruit salad and some milk – it’s a great start of the day! One other advantage is that it’s natural gluten free. David and Luise always asks me to make it when we see each other on weekends and holidays.

Since David’s sister is a photographer we tricked her out early in the morning in our snowy garden to help us with the picture of the porridge. Buckwheat PorridgeServes 4 1 cup whole buckwheat 2 cups water 150 g dried fruit (apricots, prunes, cranberries or what you have at home) salt 2-3 cinnamon sticks 1 tsp cardamom seeds 1 vanilla stick serve with fruit salad, dried fruits and oat milk. Bob's Red Mill Recipes - Savory Teff Waffle.