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Weekly digest: Material design. 7 entreprises qui ont tout compris aux réseaux sociaux. Lorsqu’une entreprise souhaite développer sa présence en ligne et engager la conversation avec sa communauté, il lui est crucial de bien définir sa stratégie.

7 entreprises qui ont tout compris aux réseaux sociaux

Le sujet a en effet déjà été de nombreuses fois abordé car la profusion des réseaux sociaux et leur spécialisation nécessite de bien choisir ce que l’on souhaite faire et surtout pourquoi on veut le faire. La première étape d’un projet relatif aux médias sociaux est souvent de faire un audit permettant d’établir un état des lieux de la situation actuelle.

Idea to Live - Toyota FT-1 design story. Apple - Designed By Apple - Intention. Windows vs. iPad: Compare tablets. All-around fast. Microsoft défie Google sur la pertinence des résultats de recherche. 01net. le 06/09/12 à 18h31 Microsoft le clame haut et fort : Bing est plus pertinent que Google !

Microsoft défie Google sur la pertinence des résultats de recherche

La firme de Redmond, dont le moteur de recherche peine à décoller, vient de lancer une nouvelle campagne aux Etats-Unis visant à convaincre les internautes que son moteur est le meilleur. Bing It On, ou comment Microsoft veut comparer les résultats de Bing à ceux de Google. Bing It On - Take the Bing versus Google Challenge. Would you bet against Bing? Feedly: your news. delivered. Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples. Just if you didn’t know, Facebook Timeline is the latest feature that was introduced in the recent Facebook Conference, F8.

Facebook Timeline Cover: 40 (Really) Creative Examples

It’s generally a complete overhaul of the profile page with the new ability to view your status updates in a list sorted by time, hence the name. With this new feature comes a new way of introducing yourself though graphic other than profile photo, and we call it Timeline Cover. And yes, what you can expect is thousands of facebookers try to be creative with their new timeline cover, spawning the hype all over the web. In this showcase we’re gonna show you 40 awesome and creative timeline covers which either inspire you, amaze you or just make you burst out into laughter.

Also, at the end of the article, we are going to throw in a Facebook time PSD template (updated) to guide you creating one accurately. Blog: Why Aren't You Developing in the Cloud? Cloud computing has completely altered software distribution.

Blog: Why Aren't You Developing in the Cloud?

Traditionally, software licenses were purchased, installed and accessed on personal machines. Today, most applications are service based and accessible from any network connected device. E-mail, documents and even business applications have transitioned to SaaS applications and give users quicker access, more control and fewer dependencies compared to installable software. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has become the most popular way to consume software; however, when it comes to developing software, the majority of developers have yet to abandon their local installations for service-based alternatives.

Cloud application services are growing by leaps and bounds and it won’t be long before applications, both large and small, will be developed almost exclusively using cloud services. The number one objection to transitioning to a cloud development model is fairly simple: connectivity. No Installations or Configuration. The Crew - On the Road -Truly Driving Social. Online IDE – Your code anywhere, anytime. Cloud9 IDE - Your Code Anywhere, Anytime. Cloud Computing: PaaS. Maybe you need to iterate on something quickly.

Cloud Computing: PaaS

Maybe you want to experiment with different technologies. Maybe you just want to build, extend, and deploy with the efficiency of a cold-blooded cyborg. Whatever you want to do, BlueMix offers a single solution environment that lets you develop and deploy apps across multiple domains. Join us in beta Big data Manage and analyze your big data sets with BlueMix. Data management Benefit from a range of data options—from data storage to predictive analytics with BlueMix. DevOps Use BlueMix to access a powerful set of tools for quickly building and deploying cloud apps. Integration Integrate cloud and on-premise applications with BlueMix to reduce costs and optimize resources. Mobile Simplify app deployment, maintenance, and improve quality with mobile services with developer services from BlueMix. Runtimes Access a broad set of languages and frameworks for building your apps on BlueMix.

Musique pub Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2012) Future - Technology - The hidden rules that shape human progress. Our lives are governed by centuries of advances that haven’t been random, as mathematician and network scientist Samuel Arbesman argues there’s a pattern that reveals how our knowledge has changed over time.

Future - Technology - The hidden rules that shape human progress

I had my first experience with the internet in the early 1990s. I activated our 300-baud modem, allowed it to begin its R2-D2-like hissing and whistling, and began to telnet. A window on our Macintosh’s screen began filling with text and announced our connection to the computers at the local university. After exploring a series of text menus, I began my first download: a text document containing Plato’s The Republic, via Project Gutenberg. After what felt like a significant fraction of an hour, I was ecstatic. It took me almost a decade to actually get around to reading The Republic. 15-koh_magee-tfsc_functional_approach_studying_technological_progress_vol73p1061-1083_2006. Les choses qui nous lient. HYbrid4 presents : The hybrid graphic novel.

Inforbix - Product Data Applications. 10 Reasons I’m Switching from TweetDeck to HootSuite. TweetDeck is a fantastic app, don’t get me wrong.

10 Reasons I’m Switching from TweetDeck to HootSuite

However, HootSuite offers the candy that’s more satisfying to my taste buds. My Twitter apps are what I call “always-on” because they’re one of the few apps I leave running and visible at all times. So, switching apps isn’t something I take lightly. With that said, here’s ten reasons I’ve decided to switch from TweetDeck to HootSuite. Fluid & Adobe AIR Before I get started, I should note that HootSuite is running as a “desktop app” via Fluid on OS X. 1.

An important aspect of apps I run at all times is their resource usage. I found that TweetDeck regularly used over 200 MB of RAM and a consistent ~1% of CPU, spiking to 26-35% when refreshing Tweet streams. TweetDeck System Resources Hootsuite, running via Fluid, uses significantly less system resources. Hootsuite System Resources Although these are quite small amounts of RAM and CPU usage, it all adds up. 2. Kickstarter.