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Ultimate Collection of Resources for After Effects Expressions. Expressions help you a long way, when you want to avoid creating tens or hundreds of keyframes by hand.

Ultimate Collection of Resources for After Effects Expressions

You can create relationships between layer properties and use one property’s key frames to dynamically animate other layers. Expressions are based on the standard JavaScript language, but knowledge of JavaScript is not essential to use expressions. You can also create expressions by using the pick whip or by copying simple examples and modifying them as per your needs. Check out this post on important articles and tutorials on Adobe After Effects Expressions and widen your knowledge. If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our older articles on After Effects Tutorials, Adobe Fireworks Tutorials, Best Photoshop Tutorials, Illustrator Tutorials, and Photoshop Cheatsheets. Motion graphics eXchange.

After Effects expressions library. From For general information and resources about expressions, go to the After Effects expressions page.

After Effects expressions library

One-sided layers. Motion graphics eXchange. After Effects expressions library.