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This ISS Experiment Looks Like A Miniature Star Factory. This Sun-like star is surrounded by sugar. Hubble has spotted an ancient galaxy that shouldn't exist. Experience one (spectacular) day in orbit around Jupiter. 10 Moons Every Person Should Know. The proper name of our satellite, in English, is The Moon.

10 Moons Every Person Should Know

I don't really see the problem acknowledging this. Luna is the Latin, from Roman times, tied to a moon goddess. None of us are Roman. Old English was mone.. German is Mond.. If germanic languages aren't your thing, then I acknowledge that. For the record, my daughter's name is Luna. Great daughter name, JazzCat! The Most Dangerous Places in the Solar System. Even so, some guy will sell those places to chumps in the future.

The Most Dangerous Places in the Solar System

David Mamet will update the film Glengarry Glen Ross to Venusian Estates Mons Venus: Comet discovered with ocean-like water inside of it. The crazy life and crazier death of Tycho Brahe, history's strangest astronomer. A couple of #corrections : That would be King Frederik II, not Friedrich.

The crazy life and crazier death of Tycho Brahe, history's strangest astronomer

For hundreds of years, Danish kings have alternated between Christian and Frederik, with a few detours like Queen Margrethe I and II. Also, Hamlet was based on royal scribe Saxo Grammaticus' tale Amled by way of a French version (and maybe the missing play known as Ur-Hamlet). Saxo probably adapted it from an oral tale in the early 1200s, so no Tycho there. Though of course the alleged Brahe affair may have inspired Shakespeare to pick it up, I don't know. How the Universe Got its Infinite Darkness. Dark star clusters are like regular star clusters...except full of black holes.

What's going on with these mysterious, ultra-red galaxies? 10 Things To Keep In Mind On Your First Trip To Low Earth Orbit. How alcohol is formed naturally in space. A mind-boggling infographic of all the missions from Earth to Mars, and where they wound up. It wasn't ESA's Beagle 2 (Which failed for other reasons.), it was NASAs Mars Climate Observer.

A mind-boggling infographic of all the missions from Earth to Mars, and where they wound up

Specifically, the flight system software on the Mars Climate Orbiter was written to calculate thruster performance using the Newtons (N), while the ground crew was entering course correction and thruster data using Pound-force (lbf): This was always something that pissed me off mightily. Were I Chief Dictator and Emperor for life of the United States, I'd institute a death penalty for anyone caught using the traditional measuring system in casual speech or in any form whatsoever and I'd spend billions to destroy all evidence that such a system ever existed in our country. The Earth has a heartbeat we can see from space. Most important scientific study ever: What about farting astronauts? Neil deGrasse Tyson admits it was creepy to discover he was a meme. Saturn's moon Enceladus is the perfect extraterrestrial ski resort. Canvassing the Universe: How Artists Create Scientifically Accurate Images of Faraway Worlds. The First Ever Star With Spiral Arms.

A Star with Spiral Arms. A Star with Spiral Arms Oct 31, 2011: For more than four hundred years, astronomers have used telescopes to study the great variety of stars in our galaxy.

A Star with Spiral Arms

Millions of distant suns have been catalogued. There are dwarf stars, giant stars, dead stars, exploding stars, binary stars; by now, you might suppose that every kind of star in the Milky Way had been seen. Watch the first human/humanoid handshake in space! I was watching this live, and when they showed R2's POV, I was saddened by all the white spots all over the image, which weren't there 3 months ago when they did the first movement tests.

Watch the first human/humanoid handshake in space!

Over the years, downloading all the coolest images from Shuttle missions to the ISS, I'd notice those spots on pics taken by the Expedition crews, and suspected that it had some'n to do with cosmic rays or some such doing a number on the CCDs over time. But I never researched it until just now. Turns out I was right: According to an article on [] (the link to which Gawkerkraken won't let me post)... "Can gamma radiation kill pixels of digital cameras? Absolutely. A NASA spokesperson has said, "The space environment (both inside the vehicle and on spacewalks) is tough on the electronic cameras. I sure hope GM planned for this, and made those image sensors replaceable! Spiral Arms Point to Possible Planets in a Star's Dusty Disk. This is the binary message we sent out to aliens 38 years ago. How do we measure the vast distances of the Universe? Actually for really huge distances, the distances between galaxies for example, the parallax generated by the orbit of our planet just isn't large enough to measure things accurately.

How do we measure the vast distances of the Universe?

Parallax is really only useful for measuring the distances of nearby stars and is really only good to about 300 light years or so. But for really huge distances, hundreds of thousands, millions or billions of light years, we need something astronomers call a "standard candle. " To measure distances to nearby galaxies we use stars that vary predictably in brightness, specifically a type of star known as a Cepheid variable.