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Los carteles futuristas que el gobierno de México promovió en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (FOTOS) - Más de México. Los carteles futuristas que el gobierno de México promovió en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (FOTOS) México apoyó a los Aliados, y propaganda al respecto se difundió durante los años de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. diciembre 19, 2016.

Los carteles futuristas que el gobierno de México promovió en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (FOTOS) - Más de México

The Greatest Soviet Propaganda Posters Ever. Untitled. Canvas Cycle: True 8-bit Color Cycling with HTML5. Art - 8bit Game Art. Alfred Kubin. I encourage everyone to seek out Alfred's strange novel, The Other Side.

Alfred Kubin

The following is a detailed summary of the fantastical novel. "The Other Side tells the story of a German artist who is visited one day by a mysterious stranger claiming to be an emissary of old school friend named Patera. Furthermore the stranger states that this Patera is now the richest man in the world and has been building an idyllic community on a large piece of land he has purchased specifically for the purpose - this community goes under the name of the Dream Kingdom and has a capital city, Perle.

Supernature! Science fiction films as pulp novel art. The drawings of Leonardo da Vinci.