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83 Reasons Your Next Girlfriend Will Be Ball-Jointed. Anime Manga Games Japan About Channel Recruiting Your feed here? Mad Empire Jappydolls SOS Gamers Share SubscribeDeliciousDiggFacebookGoogleNewsVineRedditSlashdotStumbleUponTwitterYahoo 83 Reasons Your Next Girlfriend Will Be Ball-Jointed Doll fanciers have been presenting yet more photographic reasons a ball-jointed girlfriend is the best, with the usual gorgeous results. As well as illustrating the overwhelming cuteness of dolls, their pictures also seem to illustrate the curious fact that doll fancying, high powered cameras and superb photographic skills all seem to come as a package… 50 Reasons You May End Up a Creepy Doll Fancier “I Made My Girlfriend Dress as a Maid & Photographed Her” “9 Reasons You’re Glad To Have An Otaku Girlfriend” 2ch: “Post Pics of Your Girlfriend” <a href=" name="comments" id="comments">View all comments</a> Log In » 191 Comments Hide Worst (0) | Hide Bad (6) | Show All (191) | Show Good (6) Sort by: Date | Score Comment by Poyo The Great.

Dubai Skyline In The Fog. Pescaron una tararira con tres ojos en las cercanías de la central nuclear de Embalse. Cinco pescadores se sorprendieron este fin de semana cuando lograron la captura de una tararira con tres ojos en un lugar muy conocido del lago de Embalse llamado “Chorro de Agua Caliente” en la provincia de Córdoba.

Pescaron una tararira con tres ojos en las cercanías de la central nuclear de Embalse

El hallazgo de los chicos de General Cabrera no sólo despertó curiosidad sino también cierta preocupación sobre la causa de la malformación ya que el ejemplar fue encontrado cerca de la central nuclear de Embalse. Julián Zmutt, uno de los pescadores, relató a Cadena 3: “Estábamos pescando y nos llevamos la sorpresa de sacar este ejemplar, muy raro. Como era de noche no nos dimos cuenta en el momento. Después uno con una linterna lo miró y se dio cuenta que era un ojo y nos llamó. Nos quedamos sorprendidos”. En cuanto al tercer ojo aseguró que es de “igual tamaño y un poquito más hundido que los otros”. “Hace muchos años que vamos a pescar ahí y es la primera vez que nos pasó”, dijo. Funny Pictures. Cool pictures of foggy day in Dubai taken from skyscrapers.

Funny Pictures

The Five Most Iconic Images Of Photography. Iconic Images Of Photography: Starving Child and Vulture, Kevin Carter, 1993 The most haunting image on the most iconic images of photography, Kevin Carter captured the devastating famine in Sudan with a photograph of a toddler crawling to a UN feeding center while a vulture stalks her as prey.

The Five Most Iconic Images Of Photography

Carter won a Pulitzer Prize for his work but received harsh criticism for both the photograph and for not helping the child. A year later, gripped by the devastation and depression he had seen, Carter committed suicide. Murder of Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief, Eddie Adams, 1968 This powerful photograph shows General Nguyen Ngoc Loan of the South Vietnamese Army about to kill the captain of a Vietcong squad at point-blank range. Cottingley Fairies, Elsie Wright and Frances Griffith, 1917 The Cottingley Fairies was an elaborate hoax concocted by two British girls, Elsie Wright and Frances Griffith, that involved a series of five photographs showing the girls next to supposed fairies.

Museum of Food Anomalies. Title: “Pleasant Pickle Face” Media: Pickles.

Museum of Food Anomalies

Pickle fluid. Pleasant demeanor... or something sinister? The Red River.