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A Community Where Developers & Designers Improve Their Craft. CSS Query (I've been out of practice) James Robert Gardiner Hi guys, I've been majorly out of practice with website development, and I'm currently developing a website for a friend of mine. Essentially he wants a scrolling website with anchor links, which is fine. Basically I have whipped up a pretty awesome background for him, and have even got it to fit to the page using background size to "cover".. Now my only query is, is it possible to get the background image to A, stretch the screensize - while B, following the user's scrolling, as it's going to be a lengthy website I don't just want the background to end... Here's the code I have whipped up for the background so far, I have tried/tested adding "background-attachment...

" but unfortunately that doesn't seem to work? The Art of Complex Problem Solving.

Visual Data, Arts, Charts, information

Design Works. Wide Sky - Game/Experiment on Behance. Tools - Creativity. Free vectors, photos and PSD Downloads | Freepik. Free office and productivity software - [Boîte à outils] 5 applications pour créer sa propre infographie   Esthétiques, claires, efficaces et surtout très virales, les infographies en tous genres envahissent la toile.

Très sollicitées pour mettre en avant les chiffres clefs d’une études, les principales tendances d’un marché, elles sont utilisées par un panel d’acteurs : agences, cabinet d’études, blogueurs, médias, etc. Surfant sur cette tendance, plusieurs startups ont mis au point des web applications permettant à n’importe quel internaute de créer tout seul une infographie en ligne, en y insérant ses propres données. Pour l’heure, une majorité de ces services (en anglais) sont encore en version bêta et donc perfectibles. A moyen terme, ces plateformes pourraient néanmoins venir concurrencer les métiers de web designers ou tout au moins réinventer certaines collaborations. Tour d’horizon des 5 principaux outils actuellement disponibles. 1. En mars dernier, la plateforme de datavisualisation a lancé une nouvelle fonctionnalité baptisée Create. 2. 3. 4. 5. KISSmetrics Web Analytics - Event Tracking, A/B Testing and Conversion Funnel Software.

Create infographics & online charts | SWF Charts > Introduction. XML/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful tool to create attractive charts and graphs from XML data. Create an XML source to describe a chart, then pass it to this tool's flash file to generate the chart. The XML source can be prepared manually, or generated dynamically using any scripting language (PHP, ASP, CFML, Perl, etc.)

XML/SWF Charts makes the best of both the XML and SWF worlds. XML provides flexible data generation, and Flash provides the best graphic quality. Features: Quick generation of charts and graphs from static or dynamic data (any scripting language) Full updates and data streaming without reloading the web page. Testimonials I just wanted to pass along how well your script worked for our stock performance page. Good work! This is amazing software. Just want to thank you for this wonderful upgrade. I purchased your product a couple days ago and first had time to sit down and work with it this morning. Wow, you are the best! Thanks for your great script. THIS ROCKS!