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Ben Hammersley on ‘64 things you need to know now for then’ (WP1294) | Wilton Park Podcasts. What Do Skating Rinks, Ultimate Frisbee, and the World Have in Common? A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast. [MUSIC: Glenn Crytzer and His Syncopators, “Century Stomps” (from Harlem Mad)] Dan KLEIN: Hi, I’m Dan Klein. I’m a professor of economics at George Mason University.

I got into economics very much from a policy, or if you like, political point of view. I got interested in free market economics in high school... Stephen J. DUBNER: Which made you very popular as a kid, or no? KLEIN: Didn’t make me popular with girls. DUBNER: Now, Dan the reason that we are talking today really is because of an essay that you wrote called “Rinkonomics” that I would like you, since we’re not going to sit here and read it to listeners, I’d like you to describe. DUBNER: Now, you might think that’d be pure chaos, wouldn’t you? KLEIN: You’d expect it to result in catastrophe and collision. [MUSIC: Glenn Crytzer and his Syncopators, “Trepak” (from Album Title)] DUBNER: We’ll hear about the role of government – like this viewpoint: DUBNER: And this viewpoint: DUBNER: And then we go all Goldilocks on you.

AVIRGAN: Yep. Video — Futurefest. Bruce Schneier: The security mirage. Thomas Barnett: Rethinking America's military strategy. Marc Goodman: A vision of crimes in the future.