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Aussortieren. Frischen Duft verbreiten. Kopfhörer aufwickeln. Schneidebrett über Abfalleimer. Mosaik. Chris and Robin's Nest: How to Clean Microfiber Furniture. (If you're visiting this post for the first time, please be sure to read all the way through...

Chris and Robin's Nest: How to Clean Microfiber Furniture

I've added additional info and an FAQ section at the end) The microfiber sofa in our living room has seen better days, but I'm not letting it go without a fight! I bought the sofa about six years ago when I moved into my first solo apartment. It's super comfy and I love the simple, but sophisticated design. The big problem is the color... Ombre Wall. Between crushes, fascinations and lust-have trends, our sea of inspiration is never-ending, which brings me to my latest obsession… the color MINT!

Ombre Wall

From my manicures to my midnight snacks, I just cant get enough. I took a cue from my go-to hue and decided to inject a happy medium (literally) into my home. A new coat of paint can transform a room and your mood, but choosing the right color can be a little nerve-racking. I dove into this DIY with my head and paint brush held high knowing that Valspar’s Love Your Color Guarantee would be my safety net.

Make your home stylish from the floor to ceiling with a freshly painted feeling! To create: Chose three paint colors in a light, medium, and darker shade that hail from the same color family. STEP 1: Trim wall with painter’s tape and use a roller to paint entire wall the lightest hue. Sofa table. How to Clean a Remote Control. Think about it.

How to Clean a Remote Control

Everybody, even guests, pets and children touch and slobber all over the remote controls as they sit on the couch, floors, and tables. You should clean it regularly to keep your family members from getting sick, and to keep from getting sick yourself. Cleaning the remote is a relatively easy task. However, you have to be extremely careful with it so that you do not damage the battery contacts or the circuits. If you do, basically, it will stop working. Fluster Buster: Baking Soda - 112 Uses (WWII Series) Week after week I'm amazed at all of the uses for common household product.

Fluster Buster: Baking Soda - 112 Uses (WWII Series)

This list contains a lot of the uses that were used back in WWII. However, as my family and I collaborate we find that we use the products for more modern things too. Vodka. More than meets the eye.


Aside from the one way we all know vodka can be put to good use, it’s not a completely pointless liquid otherwise. In fact, the alcoholic beverage spreads itself quite thin on the usefulness scale. Vodka’s anti-bacterial properties are what give it such potency in combatting a lot of common ailments and household issues – from earaches to carpet stains. Grab yourself a bottle, or two, and redefine what it means to booze. Poison Ivy Reliever. 551 east : How to clean a microfiber couch. Welcome to my blog!

551 east : How to clean a microfiber couch

How to Quickly Repair A Broken Zipper. I put on these jeans and the zipper broke.

How to Quickly Repair A Broken Zipper

In the above picture, the zipper slider came off the zipper track. So, I had to do a quick fix to get the slider back on track. It seems that it should just slide back on to the tape part, but trust me, it’s an impossible task. Plus, I know that to replace the zipper entirely would take awhile. Replacing an entire zipper means that you have to rip the zipper out of the garment. So, here’s a quick tutorial on fixing this broken zipper and getting it back on track.

Clever Cleaning Tips And Tricks. When you think of your favorite things to do, home cleaning doesn’t leap to the top of the list for most of us.

Clever Cleaning Tips And Tricks

These tips may not make home cleaning a good time, but they’ll certainly make it simpler, more organized, cheaper, and less toxic for children and pets. From the living room, to the kitchen, to the laundry and playroom, here are more than 55 cleaning tips to meet your household cleaning challenges in new and sometimes surprising ways. Clean your ceiling fan with a pillowcase If you are like most of us, you don’t clean your hard-to-reach ceiling fans as often as you do the rest of the house—which means more dust and grime when you do dig out the ladder. Slipping a pillowcase over the blade and using the inside of the case to wipe it clean means dirt stays inside the case rather than falling to the floor or worse, onto you! 10 Painting Tips & Tricks You Never Knew. After painting almost an entire house by myself, I've learned a lot about paint in the past few years.

10 Painting Tips & Tricks You Never Knew

Today I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite painting tips with you. These are my 10 paint secrets that will save you time, money, and just make painting more fun. This post is for the gals who are still me! Enjoy! #1. When I painted all of the outdated wooden trim and peachy 80's walls in our house, I went through about 20 paint trays before I ever figured this out. . #2. Glasreiniger. Pfannenreinigung. IKEA Ideen zum Selbermachen: Raumwunder.


Treppe. Schubladendeko. Bastelecke. Organisieren. How to Make Mirror Folding Table. Making an Art Piece / Jewelry Box. This is the jewelry box that I dreamed up (literally), my husband built, i painted, we hung, and courtney photographed!

Making an Art Piece / Jewelry Box

I love it because it hides all my jewels, saves space and looks real purty (even though the painting is hardly finished yet). *Update 1/20/14* This post was casually put out there a while back, since then my jewelry storage art piece has drummed up some interest – thanks buzzfeed. Out of the Closet: How To Make a Rope Wrapped Hanging Clothes Bar. Previous image Next image BEFORE: These painted drawers were fun and whimsical but they never really served a purpose beyond storing a couple of books. Kabelordnung 1. Kabelordnung 2. Sicher hämmern. Holz verbessern. Mückenfalle. Kleinteile finden.