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64 Raspberry Pi pour faire un super ordinateur. 64 Raspberry Pi pour faire un super ordinateur Avec quelques LEGO et 64 Raspberry Pi, un professeur (Simon Cox) et son fils de 6 ans (James) ont mis au point un Super Ordinateur.

64 Raspberry Pi pour faire un super ordinateur

Quand je dis "Super", je veux dire un cluster avec d'après eux d'excellentes performances (je n'ai pas trouvé le détail de celles-ci) et 1 To de stockage (64 x 16 Gb de SD) pour environ 4000 $. Le petit s'est mis à Python pendant ses vacances d'été et ensemble, ils ont mis au point les softs qui vont bien pour permettre ce cluster et ont publié tout un tuto pour que vous puissiez faire la même chose chez vous. C'est magique ! D'ailleurs, je sais que Google et d'autres fabriquent leur propre matos pour leurs datacenters, mais je me demandais si des hébergeurs plus petits allaient se pencher sur le Raspberry Pi ou ce genre de mini ordinateur pour proposer de l'hébergement moins coûteux. Source Vous avez aimé cet article ? Raspberry Pi Supercomputer Guide Steps. Return to View video at: Prof Simon Cox Computational Engineering and Design Research Group Faculty of Engineering and the Environment University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK.

Raspberry Pi Supercomputer Guide Steps

V0.2: 8th September 2012 V0.3: 30th November 2012 [Updated with less direct linking to MPICH2 downloads] V0.4: 9th January 2013 [Updated step 33] First steps to get machine up 1. 5 projets Raspberry Pi pour étudiants en technologie. La récente mise sur le marché du Raspberry Pi, un petit ordinateur monocarte abordable, a inspiré des centaines de projets innovants dans le monde.

5 projets Raspberry Pi pour étudiants en technologie

Les kits de développement informatiques comme celui-ci sont parfaits pour les étudiants qui souhaitent en apprendre davantage sur l’informatique au travers d’applications concrètes et passionnantes. Voici donc quelques exemples de projets couronnés de succès, pour découvrir cette nouvelle technologie dès aujourd’hui. Des possibilités puissantes Si vous ne connaissez pas encore les kits de développement informatique, ou si vous avez envie d’en utiliser un, consultez l’article des rédacteurs techniques dans Wired Magazine. Raspberry Pi projects: 10 of the best - Opinion. The Raspberry Pi has been around for almost a year.

Raspberry Pi projects: 10 of the best - Opinion

And in that time we’ve seen a host of great projects, hacks and mods pop-up. Here are ten of the best, from a Pi-powered arcade coffee table to a pyrotechnics rig that could turn your back garden into a miniature rock festival. Well, that or a smouldering ruin. Read on for our top picks. Ten More Awesome Projects for Your Raspberry Pi. 10 More Mind-Blowing, Skill-Building Raspberry Pi Projects. Raspberry Pi, the credit-card sized, $35 Linux computer, has been on the market for under a year, but excited hackers are using the platform for dozens of new, cool projects and accessory products every month.

10 More Mind-Blowing, Skill-Building Raspberry Pi Projects

Since our last Raspberry Pi roundup we've found 10 more amazing projects that show how versatile this diminutive PCB is. From voice-activated coffeemakers to wall-hanging plotters, the Raspberry Pi is proving to be a fruitful addition to the maker's toolbox. Above: Black Stripes V-PlotterA design drone with a Raspberry Pi brain, developed to turn full-color photographs into huge black-and-white murals. It's an evolution of the popular "V-Plotter" style artbot; the on-board RPi turns bitmap data into vectors that can be drawn with a robotically controlled marker. Illustration: ArtGerm/Deviant Art. 20 Awesome Projects for Raspberry Pi Microcomputers. 40+ Cool Ideas for your Raspberry PI Project. Raspberry Pi Reading Car Diagnostics (OBD-II) Data. I read about a guy called salgar on who had used a raspberry pi to read data from his motorbike via an OBD-II USB reader and I thought, I've got to have a go at that.

Raspberry Pi Reading Car Diagnostics (OBD-II) Data

OBD or On Board Diagnostics and OBD-II is a standard for communicating and reading data from a car, its standard across most modern cars and the likelihood is you have a connector in your car which you can read all sorts of data about the car such as RPM, Speed, Temperature and a million other things you wouldn't guess a car was monitoring. I used this as the basis for a program which would connect through OBD-II interface, 'ask' the car which sensors it supported and then read the data sensors in a loop every 0.5 second and write them to the screen. I see this as step one in a project to log data about a car for other uses. Download and run You can download the code direct from github, so open a terminal and follow the instructions:

Minecraft. The new Raspberry Pi 2 has got twice the RAM and a load more processing power, so will it make a better Minecraft server?


The old Pi made an adequate Minecraft server providing you only had a few players and you kept the view distance low. Update - The Pi 3 takes it up a step and provides more stability and connectivity is a lot easier. I tried both the vanilla server and a spigot server, both similar results, both performed reasonably well, but Spigot seemed a little more stable (but this is only based on feeling). I was only able to test with up to 3 players but it worked well under those conditions. Setting up your own server is pretty simple. You will need to download either the vanilla server from Mojang or build your own spigot server jar file.

Note - The instructions below, will take you through how to create a vanilla server, if you have built spigot the only difference will be the name of the 'jar file' you put into the file 1. Mkdir ~/MinecraftServer cd ~/MinecraftServer . Build Your Own Portable Raspberry Pi (Part 1) Learn to Build a Portable Raspberry Pi (Part 2)