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Can You Find 6 Words Hidden In These Puzzles? (10 Pics) Periodic Table Review Game. 20+ Simple Tips For A Happy And Healthy Life. I Illustrate The Literal Meanings Of Idioms. This is an ongoing series of illustrations in which I play with idioms and proverbs.

I Illustrate The Literal Meanings Of Idioms

Show Full Text. Funny English Idioms And Their Meanings. Having recently moved to Brazil, learning a new language and also teaching English, has made me think more about the English language.

Funny English Idioms And Their Meanings

Show Full Text. British & American English. 22+ Jokes That Grammar Nerds Will Understand. The distinction between "you're" and "your" might not look like much to some, but confusing the two can deeply annoy those of us who value good grammar.

22+ Jokes That Grammar Nerds Will Understand

Following the rules of grammar makes your texts clearer and more respectable. 17 Gifts Only Grammar Nerds Will Appreciate.

Rock paper scissors

What Happens to Your Body after You Die? - Instant Egghead #65. Traductions de merde - Photos. Think Sink. Clyp - Record and share audio, simply. 15+ Bad Letter Spacing Examples That Made All The Difference. 21+ Of The Funniest Clothing Tags Ever. Royaume-Uni. Le personnel de la reine sur le point de faire grève à Windsor.

Elisabeth II fait face à la colère des employés du château de Windsor, mécontents de leur salaire, et qui envisagent de faire grève.

Royaume-Uni. Le personnel de la reine sur le point de faire grève à Windsor

Une première dans l'histoire de la monarchie anglaise. Servir la monarchie, oui, mais dans des conditions de travail décentes. C'est en substance ce que revendiquent les employés du royal château de Windsor, à l'ouest de Londres, qui doivent se prononcer à partir d'aujourd’hui sur une éventuelle grève qui débuterait fin avril, rapporte The Daily Telegraph.

Les salaires du personnel du château “commencent à 14 400 livres [19 680 euros] par an, ce qui est moins que le salaire minimum, mais ils doivent exécuter des extras sans recevoir d'argent supplémentaire, comme le fait d'effectuer des visites guidées ou de jouer le rôle d'interprètes”, explique le quotidien. Breakthrough to CLIL for Physics by Cambridge University Press Education. Little miss blabla. TV5MONDE- Les nouvelles expressions imagées de la langue française- Avoir le coeur sur la main : être généreux sans spontanéité. Audio Lingua - mp3 en anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien, russe, portugais, chinois et français. AsapSCIENCE. Cette campagne choc montre que les mots peuvent blesser autant que les coups. Ca fait réfléchir. Par Clément P. il y a 1 an La violence verbale laisse-t-elle des marques comme le font les coups et autres brutalités physiques ?

Cette campagne choc montre que les mots peuvent blesser autant que les coups. Ca fait réfléchir

Est-elle vraiment prise au sérieux ? Dans son nouveau projet photographique, Richard Johnson nous livre des images aussi fortes qu'effrayantes sur la puissance d'impact des insultes subies au quotidien. Tous les participants à ce projet ont eux-mêmes été victimes de violences verbales à un moment donné de leur vie. Le photographe a rendu l'expérience encore plus personnelle et libératrice, en demandant aux sujets photographiés de choisir une insulte qui les a particulièrement blessés. « Stupide » « Ordure »

You Probably Haven’t Heard Of These Five Amazing Women Scientists – So Pay Attention. All week I’ve been intrigued and inspired by posters appearing in my department that depict truly great scientists, mathematicians and engineers.

You Probably Haven’t Heard Of These Five Amazing Women Scientists – So Pay Attention

Few of them were known to me or my fellow students, yet their achievements include revolutionising algebra, developing the first treatment for leukaemia, and discovering fundamental processes in physics. Their only common characteristic? They are women, and their appearance on the walls marks International Women’s Day. Body Atlas Reveals Where We Feel Happiness and Shame - D-brief. Yellow shows regions of increased sensation while blue areas represent decreased feeling in these composite images.

Body Atlas Reveals Where We Feel Happiness and Shame - D-brief

Image courtesy of Lauri Nummenmaa, Enrico Glerean, Riitta Hari, and Jari Hietanen. Chests puffing up with pride — and happiness felt head to toe — are sensations as real as they are universal. And now we can make an atlas of them. Researchers have long known that emotions are connected to a range of physiological changes, from nervous job candidates’ sweaty palms to the racing pulse that results from hearing a strange noise at night. 20+ Asshole Cats Being Shamed For Their Crimes.

Cats can be assholes, but they're just too loveable for us to do anything about it.

20+ Asshole Cats Being Shamed For Their Crimes

Cat shaming is the perfect win-win way to get back at them – we can feel like we've punished our cats while they get to continue to act like total dicks. If you have a photo of a cat that has received a well-deserved cat-shaming, then add it to this list! Upvote your favorite photos of guilty offenders, too. The world’s languages, in 7 maps and charts. These seven maps and charts, visualized by The Washington Post, will help you understand how diverse other parts of the world are in terms of languages. 1.

The world’s languages, in 7 maps and charts

Some continents have more languages than others Not all continents are equally diverse in the number of spoken languages. Whereas Asia leads the statistics with 2,301 languages, Africa follows closely with 2,138. Sad Animal Facts Are The Cutest Way To Ruin Your Day. Did you know that shark pregnancies can last 3 years, giraffes only sleep for 2 hours, and pigs can’t see the sky?

Sad Animal Facts Are The Cutest Way To Ruin Your Day

I’ve been illustrating these adorably sad facts and sharing them online for less than 2 months, and so far 6,500 people on Instagram have learned and laughed, and gotten slightly depressed. More info: | Instagram Show 34 more Add Image. Cute Pun Illustrations Of Everyday Objects By Heng Swee Lim. These cheerful and punny illustrations by Lim Heng Swee (a.k.a. ilovedoodle) will brighten your Monday. In his art, everyday objects become cheerful little characters that make playful puns and observations about everyday life and staying positive. This prolific artist has spent the last 5 years creating a new cute illustration almost every day, and people have taken notice – he has thousands of followers, a successful Etsy shop, and big brands like Nike, Gap and Threadless have all used his designs!

The World's Most Spoken Languages And Where They Are Spoken. This beautifully illustrated infographic (above), designed by South China Morning Post’s graphics director Alberto Lucas Lopéz, shows the most spoken known languages in the world and where they’re spoken by the 6.3 billion people included in the study. Based on records collated from the database Ethnologue, the infographic illustrates the wide-ranging facts and figures of the world’s living languages catalogued since 1951. “There are at least 7,102 known languages alive in the world today. Twenty-three of these languages are a mother tongue for more than 50 million people. The 23 languages make up the native tongue of 4.1 billion people,” says Lopez on his infographic. “We represent each language within black borders and then provide the numbers of native speakers (in millions) by country.

Babbel. When learning a foreign language, new words stick with you for different reasons. Some words express a cultural concept, an idea intrinsically bound with the language and culture that you are learning. Other words express a concept or idea that is familiar, but for which there is no equivalent word or expression in your own language. These are the “of course!” Words, the “why don’t we have a word for that?” Words. Babbel. Ces 40 traductions vont vous faire hurler de rire… Oui, le français est une langue vraiment compliquée ! On le sait, le français est vraiment difficile à apprendre. Surtout pour ceux dont elle n’est pas la langue maternelle… Tant et si bien que, lorsque ces derniers se donnent corps et âme pour faire de jolies traductions, c’est souvent très drôle !

Et afin d’assurer leurs arrières, ils sont très nombreux à faire confiance et à user (et abuser) de Google Traduction, Reverso et cie… mais parfois, il vaudrait mieux pour eux qu’ils évitent de s’y fier. La page Facebook «Traductions de merde» recense ces perles, et nous avons regroupé – ici pour vous – les plus drôles : Vous êtes également tombé sur de tels loupés ? N’hésitez donc pas à les partager avec nous !