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If Wanting to Reveal that All Americans’ Metadata Gets Swept Up Is Treason, Edward Snowden Is in Distinguished Company. Earlier this evening, Dianne Feinstein called Edward Snowden’s decision to leak NSA documents an act of treason. “I don’t look at this as being a whistleblower. I think it’s an act of treason,” the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee told reporters.The California lawmaker went on to say that Snowden had violated his oath to defend the Constitution. “He violated the oath, he violated the law. It’s treason.” Perhaps DiFi can be excused for her harsh judgment. And continues to allow Clapper’s lie to go unreported, much less punished. But I thought it worthwhile to point out the many people who have committed to make the FISA Court Opinions describing, among other things, how the government’s abuse of Section 215 violated the Constitution. In 2010, DOJ promised to try to declassify important rulings of law.

In 2010, as part of the same effort, Clapper’s office promised to try to declassify important rulings of law. Wait. Oh, wait! But she promised to write a letter! Nostalgia Critic - What's with the Princess Hate? John McWhorter: Txtng is killing language. JK!!! Is Michael Pollan a sexist pig? My grandmother, a 1960s housewife of the cigarette-in-one-hand-cocktail-in-the-other variety, thought a slab of frozen Sara Lee pound cake was a totally appropriate breakfast for her children. My mother, a busy working baby boomer, was a serviceable cook who mostly just wanted to get something healthy into her three kids’ bellies before bath time.

This meant lots of cheese quesadillas, rotisserie chickens from the Kroger, and “face plates”—slices of banana, mini chicken sausages, olives, and the like, arranged like smiley faces. We loved those. Now divorced and in her fifties, she says she’s “done” cooking and happily subsists on granola bars and apples and hard-boiled eggs. As for me, I’ve been learning to can jam, bake bread from scratch in my Dutch oven (though my husband is better at it), and make my own tomato sauce from a bushel of ugly tomatoes I bought at the farmer’s market. My grandmother, were she not dead (the cigarettes), would no doubt look at me like I’m crazy. COSMARXPOLITAN. Cosmarxpolitan, Issue 17 15 wedding traditions that are sooooo reactionary! Cosmarxpolitan, Issue 16 Is he having an affair? Find out, Haymarket style Cosmarxpolitan, Issue 15 Slim down thanks to party quotas! Cosmarxpolitan, Issue 14 Pssst… we’re crushing on Khruschev Cosmarxpolitan, Issue 13 Don’t fetishize commodities, fetishize THIS — pg 81 Cosmarxpolitan, Issue 12 Special report from KGB HQ: Everything is great!

Cosmarxpolitan, Issue 11 What widening income inequality means for the class structure and your girls night out! Does your style become stagnant under the pressure of bourgeois imperialist intervention? Cosmarxpolitan, Issue 10 Are you normal down there (in the global south)? Cosmarxpolitan, Issue 9 Say what? Urban Data Challenge: Zürich | San Francisco | Geneva | Urban Prototyping. Overview What’s the heartbeat of your city? Does data make your pulse race? Buses, trams, bicycles, pedestrians, and cars zoom about modern cities like blood pulsing through the body. But with urban growth comes challenges—one of them is how to improve transportation. Luckily, advances in technology combined with active open data and open source movements mean the citizenry can increasingly become part of the solution. Unclog the arteries, stimulate circulation. The Urban Data Challenge seeks to harvest the innovative and creative power of communities around the world to explore urban data sets through visualization.

Designers, programmers, data scientists, and artists alike are invited to take up the challenge: merge and compare mobility data sets from three cities—San Francisco, Geneva, and Zurich—and draw meaningful insights. The Urban Data Challenge Timeline runs February 6th through March 31, 2013 with events in San Francisco, Geneva and Zurich: Get Updates→ Jury Prizes Grand Prize!

Is This A Line From "The Great Gatsby" Or An Angsty Tumblr User. NXT Inch Worm. Building Instructions Make sure you use a gray peg, not a black one. It must allow the small beam to turn freely. Important: Be careful to attach the part with the wheels right side up. Look at the picture carefully. Make sure you use the beige and gray pegs, not the blue and black ones. Researchers Finally Replicated Reinhart-Rogoff, and There Are Serious Problems. In 2010, economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff released a paper, "Growth in a Time of Debt. " Their "main result is that...median growth rates for countries with public debt over 90 percent of GDP are roughly one percent lower than otherwise; average (mean) growth rates are several percent lower. " Countries with debt-to-GDP ratios above 90 percent have a slightly negative average growth rate, in fact. This has been one of the most cited stats in the public debate during the Great Recession.

Paul Ryan's Path to Prosperity budget states their study "found conclusive empirical evidence that [debt] exceeding 90 percent of the economy has a significant negative effect on economic growth. " Is it conclusive? In a new paper, "Does High Public Debt Consistently Stifle Economic Growth? They find that three main issues stand out. Selective Exclusions. Herndon-Ash-Pollin find that they exclude Australia (1946-1950), New Zealand (1946-1949), and Canada (1946-1950). Unconventional Weighting. Exploratory Learning: A Toolkit to Turn Elementary School Kids Into 'Neighborhood Detectives' | Education on GOOD. As Neighbor Day approaches, we here at GOOD would like to suggest that kids take a break from all that in-class activity and explore the world right outside their door. In collaboration with two wonderful first grade teachers, we’ve put together this terrific tool kit: the projects within it demonstrate that, for elementary school kids in particular, there are a million things to learn and discover while taking a walk around the block.

The Neighborhood Tool Kit takes its inspiration from Ms. Linnea and Mr. James’ first grade class at Children’s Day School in San Francisco. The ideas and projects here are meant to inspire (and we think they can be a valuable addition to curriculum). Neighborhood Study Toolkit For the past several months, the first grade class at Children’s Day School, located in San Francisco’s Mission District, has been exploring their neighborhoods. Assignment #1: Mapmaking: A Tool for Hitching Children’s Lives to Their Places ~ What is a map? ~ What makes a good map? A. The Annotated MAD MEN: Diggers, Crash Pads and Motherfuckers. When you think of the counterculture in 1967, you probably think of the Summer of Love and Flower Power and hippies. Hippies were huge in 1967, a media sensation. But peace and love weren't on the minds of every counterculture figure, and a darker, angrier feeling was brewing in the streets.

In The Doorway, the season six premiere of Mad Men, Betty Francis travels to the Lower East Side - St. Mark's Place - in search of a young girl who is pretending to go to Julliard but is actually running away to join the counterculture. Betty, the immaculate 60s housewife, finds herself in a tenament building that has been converted into a filthy, creepy commune. By the end of 1967 teenage runaways had reached an almost staggering level.

What they found was a squalid mix of idealist living and exploitation. In New York City there were two hippies who were the faces of the crash pad world. The Diggers inspired many groups, and Abbie Hoffman was hugely impacted by what they were doing*.