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Talking about Capitalism

Facebook Twitter LPM RR.pdf. Paul Boden: Something for Nothing: The Selling Off of Public Housing. HUD has administered the planned obsolescence of public housing for well over 15 years.

Paul Boden: Something for Nothing: The Selling Off of Public Housing

According to HUD, 150,000 units have been lost to demolition and disposition, although the number of lost units is probably closer to 280,000 if taken from the Millennial Housing Report and Ways and Means Committee's Green Book. There are also an estimated $20-30 billion in maintenance backlogs. Who's Driving This Public Transit System?

Virtually every modern economy is mixed: governments produce some goods and services and private companies produce others. Governments generally provide those goods and services that are either considered essential and should be available to everybody regardless of ability to pay, or that require strategic coordination, including police protection, basic education, transportation infrastructure, parks, and public health services. Transportation facilities and services are among these basic government functions. Transport is all about connecting things, and it is generally not feasible for private companies to create the infrastructure needed to make these connections. Most experts conclude that transportation infrastructure does not lend itself to complete privatization because transport systems have network effects (economies of scale and scope) and external impacts, so pure privatization without regulation or subsidy generally leads to an inefficient transport system.