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"Shia LaBeouf" Live - Rob Cantor. Harley Quinn's "Frozen" Parody "Do You Want to Kill the Batman" Gets Animated [Video] - Geeks are Sexy Technology NewsGeeks are Sexy Technology News. CYMATICS - Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford. "Shia LaBeouf" Live - Rob Cantor. Ylvis - Someone Like Me [Official music video HD] Bill Bailey- National Anthem Suggestion.

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The Device has been Modified - Portal Music Video. 10 Amazing and Stunning Piano Pieces. The Arts The piano has clearly been a wildly popular instrument ever since its first introduction to the music scene, as both a solo instrument and an accompaniment.

10 Amazing and Stunning Piano Pieces

Its instant popularity led to a massive influx of solo piano pieces being written – some a violent explosion of color and motion, others a slow, melodic meditation. Some pieces were less than a minute in duration and some hours long (in fact, there was a rumor circulating recently as to the existence of a post-modern piece whereupon one note is played every hour, and pianists take shifts to keep the performance lasting for weeks, months at a time).

Yet while I’m sure many of you are familiar with hundreds of beautiful, instantly recognizable pieces, this is a list of ten pieces which rival even the most famous pieces in beauty, yet have slipped under the radar. Of course, some of these will be known to some of you, but hopefully everyone will find something new here. Frederic Chopin Scherzo No. 2 Op. 31 Philip Glass Franz Liszt. How to be a chav. Sheet Music Site. Radio 3 - A-Z of Composers. One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful - 5 Piano Guys, 1 piano - ThePianoGuys. YouTube to MP3 Converter - Fast, Free - Best Free Music Creation Software. A brief explanation of VST plugins VST (Virtual Studio Technology) plugins are essentially "mini applications" which are loaded in standalone programs called VST hosts and used to expand the host program's functionality.

Best Free Music Creation Software

VST plugin technology was developed by Steinberg for use with their commercial products. However, the technology became so popular that we now have thousands and thousands of different VST plugins and hundreds of applications capable of loading them. It is now possible to build a completely functional virtual music studio for cheap (or even even absolutely free). VST plugins are classified as either effects (by far the most numerous), instruments, or MIDI effects. A brief explanation of ASIO ASIO (Audio Stream Input/Output) is a special kind of audio interface driver protocol which is developed in such a way to ensure minimum latency. Most professional audio interfaces and sound cards are shipped with a corresponding set of ASIO drivers. Functionality: Where to start?

Advice for Pianists: How to Compose Piano Music. In my 25 years of writing piano music, I've arranged over 180 compositions, about 160 of which I've released to the public on CD.

Advice for Pianists: How to Compose Piano Music

A fan who read my advice for pianists article asked if I'd write a similar article for beginning composers. So, I've put together these 12 composition tips for anyone who would like to compose music for the piano. 1) Start With the Melody You don't have to come to the piano with an entire song already in your head before you start composing. Just start with one simple melodic phrase. 2) What is Your Song About? As you develop your overall melody, think about the emotion or image you want your composition to convey. Ultra-High Fidelity Music Box. Random Jingle Machine. Jingle Maker. Classical music to study by. Jo Vass.