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From up North - High quality design inspiration. Pontish Yeramyan: 9 Ways to Practice Being a Humble Leader. "Humility is a virtue all preach, none practice; and yet everybody is content to hear.

Pontish Yeramyan: 9 Ways to Practice Being a Humble Leader

" - John Selden The concept of humility has been around for as long as religion. Recently, the benefits of being humble have been showing up in unexpected places, like the business world. More than ever, humility has become an essential characteristic for leaders of successful 21st century organizations. Bringing a humble attitude is important for today's business leaders because it can keep our eyes open to innovation, our ears tuned to new ideas that might previously have been discarded. Find quotes about anything and everything - There’s always this one question that crosses everyone’s mind at least once in their lives: Tattoos – Should I get one?

Yes/No? Tattoos are quiet, inspiring artwork that carry stories and hide secrets on a human canvas. It’s been said that wrist tattoos were used to ward off all sorts of illnesses and diseases.