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Home. Weather Display Features. Angel Conservation - Home. Jimmie Angel Historical Project. China's Avatar Mountains through Western Eyes - Zhangjiajie Tourism Network Government Official Website Zhangjiajie,Zhangjiajie tours, Fenghuang, Wulingyuan,Tianmenshan - -{wS0x.[2i0By TOM WATKINSZhangjiajie Tourism Network Government Official Website FBmH/OS\%cR'b/pFor Journal Register NewspapersZhangjiajie Tourism Network Government Official WebsiteT@tcfZhangjiajie Tourism Network Government Official Website+`)`qd$a\;}o Zhangjiajie Tourism Network Government Official Website%~ B6jB(Es ^y I am back from my most recent trip to China.Zhangjiajie Tourism Network Government Official WebsiteL9HQ p8{N [r Zhangjiajie Tourism Network Government Official Website ~,b7d;E? \'E*i For the more than two decades I have been traveling here, I am unable to absorb all the grandeur, natural beauty and goodwill of the local people in a single visit.

Zhangjiajie Tourism Network Government Official Website\4vZ%MaS3u0x (Oq%Y!} ZZUH(g0Zhangjiajie City in western Hunan Province is part of Wulingyuan. ,S1L|$Z;P#qV$V0 \eb#]0t0If you have seen the blockbuster movie, “Avatar,” you have seen Zhangjiajie. :i,? 3IVX,bv8K0 !] 3a! IjmM z6? [^U'qlpo! X! Zhangjiajie Stone Forest - China's Avatar Mountains? Zhangjiajie's Stone Forest in China's Hunan Province has been more or less out of the international tourist radar in the past, but that is about to change. Zhangjiajie's Rock Column Forest, or the Southern Sky Columns as they are also known, claim to be the model behind the striking hanging mountain scenery in the movie Avatar and have been getting a lot of attention as a result. As you wander around the park, it is easy to feel transported to the Hallelujah Mountains in the Planet of Pandora... many are flocking to see the beautiful scenery and enjoy all this area has to offer. The entire Wulingyuan Scenic Area where the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is located, includes over 3,100 sandstone pillars of varying heights with some reaching over 800 meters, lush valleys and dense forests, lakes, caves, waterfalls and streams, all spread over an area of approximately 266 square miles (690 square kilometers).

It has been designated a Unesco World Heritage Site and a Unesco Global Geopark. Avatar mountains. Conservation Ecology Center. Center for Species Survival. The CSS conducts basic and applied research, especially in the fields of reproductive science and animal management, to understand biological mysteries and to implement practical solutions to help rare species survive. The priority is to avoid extinction while creating methods to sustain viable wildlife populations—for zoos and in the wild.

CSS researchers use multidisciplinary approaches and modern tools to integrate new information in order to quickly stabilize and recover endangered animal populations. They work with a worldwide network of collaborators from conservation organizations, universities, zoos, and governmental agencies, and their efforts extend far beyond the physical boundaries of the Smithsonian Institution and National Zoological Park. Reproductive Science Research Programs Black-footed Ferrets Learn more Improving Elephant Reproduction Learn more Conservation of Rare Felids Learn more Conservation of Rare Canids Endangered Species Research Programs Eld's Deer White-Naped Cranes.


Drop zone. Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae, cause of cedar-apple rust, Tom Volk's Fungus of the Month for May 1999. This month's fungus with the long name is Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae. It's really a pretty easy name to pronounce if you sound it out. (Jim-no-spore-ANGIE-um jew-NIP-per-e-virgin-e-ANE-eye). The name means "naked spore-bearer of the eastern juniper tree. " (My apologies to those of you who will not be able to view this page because your filtering software won't allow you to view a web page that contains the word "naked"....).

It's a very descriptive, although probably unnecessarily long name. This is a heteroecious rust, which means it needs two species of plants to complete its life cycle. Let's start at the top of this diagram of the Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae life cycle with the telial spore horns, which are the most conspicuous part of the life cycle. So if you had an apple orchard, how could you prevent infection of your apple trees by this fungus? Another common rust is White Pine Blister Rust, caused by Cronartium ribicola. Discover Life -- Tree of Life.

Home - Moths Count. Encyclopedia of Life. David Attenborough: The Lyrebird. Wildbienen, Nisthilfen, Bestäubung. BOLD Systems. Biodiversity Heritage Library. BOLD Systems. Eggcase. '~]z With over 600 species of skate and ray worldwide, at least 16 species have been regularly recorded in UK coastal waters; most of these species reproduce by laying tough leathery eggcases on the seabed.

Of more than 30 species of British sharks, only two species lay eggcases that are commonly found on our beaches; the Smallspotted Catshark and the Nursehound. Each eggcase contains one embryo which will develop over several months into a miniature shark, skate or ray. Once empty, the eggcases often wash ashore and can be found among the strandline on beaches. The Great Eggcase Hunt aims to get as many people as possible hunting for eggcases that have either been washed ashore, or are found by divers and snorkelers underwater. In recent decades, several species of shark, skate and ray around the British coast have dramatically declined in numbers. Eggcase Hunting Identify & Record Eggcase Results Print Page.
