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Patients for Sale. Beware: market research corporation masquerading as patient forums. A lot of things could be called a Patient Forum. There are some set up by patients, for patients. Others are set up by organizations, for patients. Still others are set up by blood-sucking leeches, for their own profit. Callously capitalizing on your catastrophes, they invite you in to tell your story, with an invitation to write in a "blog" like this one on M.E.

Leading questions invite you to divulge personal information, and the invitation is, oh, so sympathetic and full of suggestions of vague helpfulness. With questionable punctuation because they're too cheap too hire a competent editor, and they think you're too sick to notice, they make yourself at home: The forums allow you to interact with other people in your situation and share information and experiences. There's something odd here, you might notice. For one, there's this odd paragraph inviting comment on the difference between M.E. and C.F.S a.k.a. P.S. The Story Behind the Name « wellywoman. Me and my wellies Over at Garden Faerie’s Musings, Monica got to thinking what was the story behind blog names and so she has written a post encouraging people to share why they chose their blog name. I’ve loved reading about where people have taken their inspiration from, whether it be a book, a relative or the landscape around them.

So I thought I’d share with you why I became ‘wellywoman’. To answer Green Tapestry’s question about whether I have wellies permanently welded to my feet, no I don’t, although there are times here in Wales when I feel I should. There’s a reason why the countryside is so green, it does rain quite a lot. I wanted to have wellies in my name because when I’m wearing them I’m doing something I love, whether that is working in my garden, tending the allotment or walking in the countryside. I love going to the allotment in my scruffy jeans and wellies because it isn’t about your image and what you look like. So that’s the story behind ‘wellywoman’. Like this: Iheartprintsandpatterns. My muse is a fickle bitch.

A CUP OF JO. Champ + Rosie Exclusively For My Owl Barn. Caroline Roach of Champ + Rosie created these amazingly cute Christmas gift tags exclusively for My Owl Barn's readers. Yippee! Each sheet has five adorable owl tags in different shapes and sizes. Print the sheet on 100%, cut around the individual tags, and punch out the little circle at the top to run a string/twine/ribbon through and your tags are ready to go on your Christmas gifts. Thank you, Caroline. Download as many tags as you like here!

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