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PyMedia - Python module for avi, mp3, dvd, wma, ogg processing - pymedia. A Speech Recognition Toolkit based on Python (EuroSciPy) SRTk is an open-source software framework for speech recognition implemented by using Python . Automatic speech recognition (ASR), which converts recorded speech audio signals to text transcriptions, is one of the most promising technologies for advanced human-machine interaction. Although the algorithms and heuristics used in this technology are still under investigation and are in need of rapid implementation of state-of-the-art methods, the current frameworks are mainly implemented by using "heavyweight" languages. This is mainly due to the amounts of data used in ASR research. The number of vectors used for building models is significantly high in general. This module installs several shell commands to manipulate probabilistic models and data used in ASR, and several python modules to enable investigations of ASR. Continuous-density hidden Markov models (CD-HMMs) and their training methodsIn current ASR methods, CD-HMMs are widely accepted as a model of speech feature sequences.

ProjectsUsingAubio – aubio. InMusic. This page is divided in three sections: Music software written in Python, Music programming in Python, and Music software supporting Python Bluemindo - Bluemindo is a really simple but powerful audio player in Python/PyGTK, using Gstreamer. Bluemindo is a free (as in freedom) software, released under GPLv3, only. cplay - a curses front-end for various audio players edna - an MP3 server, edna allows you to access your MP3 collection from any networked computer. The web pages are dynamically constructed, adjusting to directory structure and the files in those directories. This is much nicer than using simple directory indexing.

Rather than directly serving up an MP3, the software serves up a playlist. This gets passed to your player (e.g. WinAmp) which turns around with an HTTP request to stream the MP3. SimilarProjects – aubio. Aubio, a library for audio labelling.