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Weber's Law of Just Noticeable Difference. Are eBooks Really Good For The Environment? - eBookNewser. Джона Лерер считает, что недостаток сна и состояние опьянения помогают воображению. Колумнист Scientific American Mind, а также автор книг «Пруст был нейробиологом» и «Как мы принимаем решения» Джона Лерер, который в декабре дал интервью T&P в своей статье для журнала Wired, попытался проанализировать результаты исследования, посвященного творческой продуктивности: выяснилось, что алкоголь и недостаток сна помогают решать творческие задачи.

Джона Лерер считает, что недостаток сна и состояние опьянения помогают воображению

Перед вами задача: требуется передвинуть одну линию таким образом, чтобы ложное математическое высказывание стало верным. Легко? В данном случае решение осуществляется за счет стандартного математического подхода, изменив сумму. Необходимо переместить первую «I» справа от «V». Vyriškos, moteriškos smegenys, autizmas ir Aspergerio sindromas. Į komentarus Sveiki.

Vyriškos, moteriškos smegenys, autizmas ir Aspergerio sindromas

Šįkart Žalios Mėtos pateikia medžiagą iš knygos, kurią pristatinėjo psichologijos paskaitoje. Galbūt čia paminėta bus tikrai ne viskas, nes joje yra begalė testų, pavyzdžių bei schemų, o ir pačiai teorijai galite nepritarti, nes ji ganėtinai kontraversiška, tačiau jos autorius gana kompetetingas mokslininkas, Kembridžo universiteto profesorius, psichiatras, psichopatologas, autizmo tyrimų centro vadovas Simon Baron – Cohen. Uždirbk nuo 0.85 iki 1.35$ per 1h už užpildytas captcha. Tinklalapis Megatypers moka už 1000 užildytų captha nuo nuo 0.85$ iki 1.35$ (priklauso nuo to, kokiu laiku pildote).

Uždirbk nuo 0.85 iki 1.35$ per 1h už užpildytas captcha

Darbas tikrai lengvas, o uždarbis auga labai greitai. Per keleta minučių galima surinkt apie 0.10$. Kiekvienai captha įvesti skiriama 15 sekundžių, jei nespėjate jūsų darbas yra nutraukiamas (gaunate kick) ir vėl galite pradėti. Jei dažnai nespėsite laiku suvesti teksto, arba vesite jį neteisingai galite gauti baną. The Framing Effect: Influence Your Audience By Setting The Context.

Is the glass half full or half empty?

The Framing Effect: Influence Your Audience By Setting The Context

How does seeing it one way frame everything else you later decide about both glass and water? Would seeing it the other way change your view? Imagine you and I are walking across the desert with a single canteen. 100 Excellent Art Therapy Exercises for Your Mind, Body, and Soul.

January 9th, 2011 Pablo Picasso once said, "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

100 Excellent Art Therapy Exercises for Your Mind, Body, and Soul

" It's no surprise, then, that many people around the world use art as a means to deal with stress, trauma and unhappiness – or to just find greater peace and meaning in their lives. If you're curious about what art therapy has to offer, you can try out some of these great solo exercises at home to help nurse your mind, body and soul back to health. If you like the experience, you can also seek out professional art therapy treatment in your area.

Emotions Deal with emotions like anger and sadness through these helpful exercises. Draw or paint your emotions. Relaxation Art therapy can be a great way to relax. Paint to music. Happiness Art can not only help you deal with the bad stuff, but also help you appreciate and focus on the good. Draw your vision of a perfect day. Dan Guterman: “New Optical Illusions” A drawing of a rabbit with the long ears and the cute whiskers and everything else.

Dan Guterman: “New Optical Illusions”

But when you look at the drawing again the rabbit looks like a hare. One where you see a young lady. But then a second later you see an old woman. 100 Research Paper Topics. The Learning Toolbox. Very Short Introductions - StumbleUpon. Buržujaus rašinėliai - kleckas nebūtinai reiškia, kad kažkas blogo nutiko. What’s The Best Time of Day to be Creative? New research finds circadian rhythms in our creativity.

What’s The Best Time of Day to be Creative?

Do you feel at your most creative early or late in the day? Now psychological research is examining whether there’s a best time of day for creativity, depending on the type of creativity and your natural rhythms. To investigate Wieth and Zacks (2012) had participants take two different types of creativity test. One measured their insight ability: this is the kind of problem which requires a leap into the unknown. Like when you suddenly realise that a silk scarf would make a great sandwich parachute (hey, maybe you want to drop it undamaged from the fiftieth floor).

The second measured their ability to solve analytic problems: these are the type of problems that require you to work steadily towards the answer, like doing your taxes. Both of these types of thinking are important in creativity, although at different points in the process. Image credit: Yau Hoong Tang. Donald Meichenbaum Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Donald Meichenbaum, PhD is Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology at the University of Waterloo, and founding member of The Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention and Treatment.

Donald Meichenbaum Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

He holds the dual distinction of having been voted "one of the ten most influential psychotherapists of the century" (reported in the American Psychologist) and being the most cited psychology researcher at a Canadian university. Victor Yalom, PhD is the founder, president and resident cartoonist of He also maintains a part-time practice in individual, group and couples therapy in San Francisco and Mill Valley. He has conducted workshops in existential-humanistic and group therapy in the US, Mexico, and China, and also leads ongoing consultation groups for therapists.