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Top Resume Mistakes to Avoid in a Job Search, Part 2. In Part 1, I covered the top two mistakes that I see clients make on their resumes.

Top Resume Mistakes to Avoid in a Job Search, Part 2

In this post you’ll learn how to avoid six more resume pitfalls. Topping off this list: Your resume places too much focus on responsibilities, not enough on accomplishments Which phrase do you think is more powerful? Responsible for running monthly financial reports.Redesigned monthly financial reporting process, cutting production time from one month to five days. We both know that #2 has a greater impact. Always strive to go beyond responsibilities and include accomplishments (i.e. the “so what’s”).

You can also use well known names of things, organizations or places to create memorable images. Your resume is too hard to read I often get resumes that are intimidating “walls of text.” In terms of importance, the number of pages is way down on the list. No big paragraphs—people don’t want to read them! Your resume uses a non-chronological format Your resume contains too many meaningless phrases Do… Don’t… Top Resume Mistakes in a Job Search. (Update: Part 2 is here) When a potential employer reviews your resume, s/he thinks: a) Can this person help me to do my job?

Top Resume Mistakes in a Job Search

And b) I have about10-30 seconds to scan this resume. Hence, the Golden Rule of resume writing: Your “how I can help you” message needs to jump off the page in the 10-30 seconds it’s being reviewed. You’ll hear many rules (like this one) tossed around by experts. My suggestion from experience and training is to forget all those other rules, and just follow this one rule. Anything that serves this Golden Rule is good, anything that doesn’t is bad– which brings us to the top two resume mistakes: Mistake #1: Too much focus on your current or last job, not enough on the job you want Taking the extra time to portray your experience in a way that’s relevant to a potential employer is always key, and is even more imperative when you’re seeking to change industries or responsibilities.

Sign Up. (4) What are the pros and cons of asking troll questions in a job interview? Powered by Dice. Betsy Steiner. Heidrick & Struggles. Jason Kranz is a partner in Heidrick & Struggles’ Menlo Park office, focusing on recruiting officer and vice president-level candidates for private, venture-backed and publicly traded companies in the technology sector.

Heidrick & Struggles

He has expertise across multiple verticals including enterprise software, web services, semiconductor, security, storage, wireless, telecommunications and database technologies. He partners with clients to develop efficient hiring processes and define position requirements, screen potential candidates and assists with the execution of each search. Previously, Jason served as the director of recruiting at, where he was responsible for more than 400 hires (pre- and post-IPO), ranging from help desk to vice president positions. Prior to that, he was an executive recruiter for an information technology recruiting firm, specializing in executive, middle management and senior level technology positions.

Education: Technical Architect. JOB DESCRIPTION We are seeking to fill a technical/product coding and leadership role during one of the most significant technical overhauls this company has ever experienced: migrating our delivery system to the cloud.

Technical Architect

This makes the position a great one for someone looking to come in and make a huge impact without having to focus too much on legacy headaches. Please note that this position is more technical than management-oriented; the focus is on technical work with some project management, rather than primarily on people-management and organizational leadership. We are a lean team with a greater need for code contributions than management ones. ABOUT THIS COMPANY Meta Interfaces is on the cutting edge of web-based multimedia content delivery, supporting multiple gigabytes/second of video streaming from a content catalog measured in tens of terabytes.

TO APPLY Download the following file and follow the instructions at the top. It's Not Developers Slowing Things Down, It's the Process. Jason Kranz.