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Immersion: a people-centric view of your email life. Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. Many Eyes. - Visualization, Computer Graphics, and Animation. Music. Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. Food pairing networks. Research: Lev Manovich Coins the Term 'Media Visualization' New media theorist Lev Manovich just released a new text, titled What is Visualization? []. One might first wonder if such a question is not too... obvious, but in the light of the contentious discussion about the tension between artistic and scientific representations of data, and whether data art should be called visualization at all, it is always worth covering the basics.

The text is quite substantial, so you might want to wait for some quiet time to dive into it. The main arguments in the text focus around distinguishing information visualization, scientific visualization and information design. In addition, Lev proposes a new term, "media visualization", for those visual representations that do not reduce data into topology and geometry, but instead uses techniques to reorganize data into a new visual representation that preserves its original form. In addition, Lev Manovich describes 3 visualization projects developed in his lab: ImagePlot, VisualSense and HiperView.