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Brain Function, Anatomy & Diagram. Much of the brain's physiological task involves receiving information from the rest of the body, interpreting that information, and then guiding the body's response to it. Types of input the brain interprets include odors, light, sounds, and pain. The brain also helps perform vital operations such as breathing, maintaining blood pressure, and releasing hormones (chemical signals that control certain cells and organs).

The brain is divided into sections. These sections include the cerebrum, the cerebellum, the diencephalon, and the brainstem. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. The cerebellum is below and behind the cerebrum and is attached to the brain stem. The functions the brain stem governs include respiration, blood pressure, some reflexes, and the changes that happen in the body during what is called the “fight or flight” response. The diencephalon is inside the cerebrum above the brain stem. The brain is protected from damage by several layers of defenses. Library of the National Medical Society. Journals, Medical Books, and Online Medical Diagnosis. HubMed. PubMed - NCBI. Online Medical Textbooks. R Books/resources for medical professionals R is a powerful open source free statistical tool used now extensively in all fields due to its ease of applications/functions and powerful graphic tools.

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