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The Future's Bright, The Future's Garage. High Existence. Accidental Chinese Hipsters. Tessa Chong sent me the above image with the explanation that she had seen and drawn the man from memory on a trip to Toronto. We got to talking, and the following interview and her interpretations of some other noted Accidental Chinese Hipsters ensued. You can see more of her work here. ACH: How old are you and where are you living now? TESSA CHONG: I am 27 and living in Amsterdam. Football tactics, formations, diagrams, chalkboards and graphs – in partnership with Betfair. Spielverlagerung. Show me the world! Nerdcore. Kalinkakalinka.


Design Tagebuch. Ein Web-Dokumentarfilm zum Wirtschaftssektor Strafvollzug. Route. » Sprache bringt es an den Tag. Things Organized Neatly. Down To Mars.