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Billel Maasmi

Winning Hearts & Minds Chocolate Cake. The other night, Casey and I had a discussion about chocolate cake. He seems to think that the best part of chocolate cake is the frosting. I disagree. I think the CAKE in chocolate cake is the best part. I’m actually one of those people who scrapes the frosting off chocolate cake and leaves it to the side of my plate. This cake is the perfect compromise for both of us. And we’re off! Gather your fancy pants ingredients. Melt the chocolate & the butter together. Now it’s time for the eggs! Pour the batter into your buttered/parchment lined pan. Let the cake cool and then invert it!

When the cake has cooled, you can dust it with powdered sugar. Here’s my little heart template I cut out of parchment. Say hello to one of the best/easiest chocolate cakes you’ll ever make. It definitely won my HEART and MIND. Serves 8 (or two people in my case!) (recipe from Molly Wizenberg) Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit, and butter an 8-inch round cake pan. 9780 itsahim.