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Who Uses Twitter? 15% Of Online Adults, 18-29 Year Olds, Smartphone Owners, Minorities [STUDY] Why Twitter Is Bigger Than You Think. Twitter : une tournée politique lourde d'enjeux économiques. (photo via @Jack) L'opération de communication a réussi. De passage en France pour quelques rendez-vous majeurs, Jack Dorsey, co-fondateur et président de Twitter, est rapidement devenu trending topic sur la plateforme mercredi.

Tous ceux qui ont eu les honneurs de l'entrepreneur américain se sont empressés de l'annoncer sur Twitter, force photos Twitpic à l'appui. Les candidats à la présidentielle à la présidentielle ont assuré avoir débattu beaucoup d'innovation dans l'écosystème français, de politique numérique et de l'installation de Twitter en France. Mais il ne faut pas se tromper. Moins que la politique numérique de chaque aspirant présidentiel, c'est ainsi bien l'utilisation de Twitter pendant la campagne électorale qui intéresse Twitter. En France, les candidats ont déjà embrassé l'outil. Ce recrutement de personnalités publiques est au coeur de la stratégie de croissance de Twitter.

Twitter turns six. Eric BESSON's photos - Visite guidée des locaux #twitter avec @MarcManiez @rno | Plixi. Après les Russes de Facebook, les Saoudiens débarquent chez Twitter. Twitter Buys Engineering Team - Peter Kafka - Media. "En cas d'incendie, quittez le bâtiment avant de tw. How Twitter Employees Send Their Tweets (Compared To You, Me And Everybody Else) Using Twitter’s API, Business Insider have tapped into the last few thousand tweets of the official Twitter employee list and determined the source – that is, the specific software client used to send those tweets – and crunched the numbers, and the results are pretty interesting. As you would expect, the Twitter staff member’s client of choice appears to be Or, at least, ‘web’. That’s fairly non-specific, because we know that the that the company’s employees use has a lot more ‘nifty features’ than the stinky old grey husk that the rest of us are lumbered with, as Twitter’s then-lead engineer Alex Payne (@al3x) confirmed over a year ago.

(Btw, that tweet has now been deleted, but believe me, he said it. OK – so isn’t really stinky, but it doesn’t exactly hold its own against the likes of HootSuite. That said, a recent Sysomos poll suggested that 35.4% of tweets from regular folk come via, too. Here’s your pretty chart. Standouts? Twitter Statistics - In-depth Report by Sysomos on Twitter's Growth. How much information do Twitters users disclose about themselves? In keeping with our efforts to offer insight to the fast-growing TwitterSphere, we decided it was time to see exactly how many details Twitter users are divulging. To put together our report, we examined over a billion tweets and compared to our 2009 study.

Some highlights of our comparison of Twitter usage between 2009 and 2010 include: Users with 100+ friends have increased by three-fold to 21% since 2009. 22.5% of users accounted for about 90% of all activity. 80% users have made fewer than 500 tweets. Justin Bieber is one of top two-word phrases and top name in user's bios. Significantly more users are disclosing their location, bio and web information in Twitter profiles. To start, we looked at whether people provided personal information within their bios. As well, 82% of Twitter users now provide a name, compared with only 33% in 2009. How Long on Twitter? Friends Followers Tweets Made Total Tweets Followers vs. Twitter Finally Reveals Monetization Plan: Promoted Tweets | Dan. Aside from a few small deals with Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft to integrate Twitter updates into search results, Twitter has held off announcing any kind of real monetization plan.

The founders have said that they want to follow Google's path: create a product everyone wants to use, and then figure out a way to make money from it after. Today, the New York Times revealed exactly how Twitter plans to do that--at least, how they plan to start doing it. Twitter calls this first step Promoted Tweets. Advertisers, which at launch will include Best Buy, Virgin America, Bravo, and Starbucks, can buy keywords used by Twitterers in search.

When a user searches for one of an advertiser's purchased keywords, an ad will appear at the top of that user's Twitter feed. The Promoted Tweets will be in smaller than usual type, and will turn yellow when the cursor is passed over them. Extending that movie example, we already know that Twitter is an excellent bellwether of a film's success. Twitter Has a Business Model: 'Promoted Tweets' - Advertising Ag. Library of Congress: Library to acquire ENTIRE... The Top 10 Most Important Tweets of 2009 | buzzmarketing daily. Twitter Media. Comment Twitter va changer la donne dans les médias. Dans "média social", il y a "média". Il convient désormais de ne pas l'oublier. On a déjà eu l'occasion d'explorer les vélléités de Facebook dans ce domaine. En dévoilant, mardi, à San Francisco, une nouvelle version de son site, Twitter est également à surveiller de près.

De très près même. Qu'a annoncé la plateforme de micro-blogging ? Grâce à des partenariats avec 16 sites de partage de photos et vidéo, il est désormais possible d'afficher des contenus multimédia sur et il ne faut plus s'exiler sur un site externe comme YouTube ou Twitpic. Cela fait-il de Twitter un concurrent des médias pour autant ? Kevin Thau, l'un de ses collaborateurs, a été encore plus clair. Voilà donc pour l'information - une armada d'utilisateurs susceptibles de jouer les journalistes citoyens ; mais aussi des journalistes (des vrais, des tatoués) susceptibles d'utiliser Twitter comme média pour rapporter des événements qu'ils couvrent.

A suivre. [photo via Read Write Web] Twitter To Musicians: Tell Your Own Story. Technology Review: Blogs: Guest Blog: Why Twitter Is the Future. It’s basically impossible for a journalist who relies on Twitter to find stories, stalk editors, rack up “whuffie” and beef with rap stars to be objective about the service. Fortunately, I don’t have to be, because four researchers from the Department of Computer Science at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have performed a multi-part analysis of Twitter. They conclude that it’s a surprisingly interconnected network and an effective way to filter quality information. In a move unprecedented in the history of academic research on Demi Moore’s chosen medium for feuding with Kim Kardashian, Kwak et al. built an array of 20 PCs to slurp down the entire contents of Twitter over the course of a month.

If you were on Twitter in July 2009, you participated in their experiment. Four Degrees of Separation On the MSN messenger network of 180 million users, for example, the median degree of separation is 6. Information as Outbreak. The Netherlands lead Global Markets in reach. Social Media: Twitter durchbricht die 4-Millionen-Marke in Deutschland - Netzökonomie-Blog. #LeWeb : Twitter se relance en misant sur la simplicité et la découverte. Twitter a annoncé une nouvelle version hier soir. Le patron de la plateforme du service, Ryan Sarver, est à LeWeb ce matin et en raconte un peu plus.

De la stratégie de Twitter. "Dans un monde où Google et Facebook sont en concurrence et rendent leur produits toujours plus complexes, Twitter veut se concentrer sur la simplicité, la rapidité, et la facilité. Il s'agit aussi d'aider les gens à trouver les contenus qui les intéresse. " De la nouvelle nouvelle version. Des nouvelles fonctions. "La fonction "Discover/Decouverte" a représenté le plus gros défi pour nous. De l'expérience utilisateur. Du tweet à emporter. De l'objectif de recrutement. De Twitter et des médias. De l'intégration avec iOS. Des fondateurs. CIA's 'vengeful librarian' team monitor Facebook, Twitter and report to Obama.

By Associated Press Updated: 17:23 GMT, 4 November 2011 In an anonymous industrial park in Virginia, in an unassuming brick building, the CIA is following up to five million tweets a day. At the agency's Open Source Center in McLean, a team known affectionately as the 'vengeful librarians' also pores over Facebook, newspapers, TV news channels, local radio stations, Internet chat rooms – anything overseas that anyone can access and contribute to openly. From Arabic to Mandarin Chinese, from an angry tweet to a thoughtful blog, the analysts gather the information, often in native tongue. Keeping track: The CIA team follow up to five million tweets a day around the world to gauge what is going on in different regions They cross-reference it with the local newspaper or a clandestinely intercepted phone conversation.

Yes, they saw the uprising in Egypt coming - they just didn't know exactly when revolution might hit, said the center's director, Doug Naquin. China is a close ally of Pakistan's. Twitter 2012: Bigger and More Ads | LinkedIn | All things Twitter. The best of Twitter in your inbox. Starting today, you can discover the best of Twitter in a weekly email digest delivered to your inbox. This summary features the most relevant Tweets and stories shared by the people you’re connected to on Twitter.

Stories feature a design similar to the recently updated Discover tab, emphasizing who shared each story beneath summaries to help you decide which ones matter most to you. Click any headline to finish reading the story, add your take by tweeting directly from the email, and see related Tweets from the people you follow. This new email digest also features the most engaging Tweets seen by the people you follow, even if you don’t follow those who wrote them. You can see who from your network retweeted or favorited these Tweets and click “View details” to retweet, favorite, reply or view the conversation around them.

Facebook users get news from family & friends, Twitter users get news from journalists. Today’s annual report on the State of the News Media shows that new technologies really are pressing journalists to do much more with much less. Last week, we learned that newspaper industry ad revenue was down 7.3 percent this year to its lowest level since 1984 (or 1954, adjusted for inflation). As a result, newsrooms continue to shrink. But The Project For Excellence in Journalism’s report shows us that the needs and demands of the audience are growing and fragmenting. Social media is an important source of news, the report says, but remains smaller and only “supplemental” to other discovery methods like directly visiting a news website, searching the Web or browsing an aggregator.

People who own smartphones or tablets are using them heavily to consume news, but they also continue to frequently use a laptop or desktop computer to get news. The State of the News Media report relies heavily on a new survey of how U.S. adults are using social media and mobile devices to get news. 370 Passwords You Shouldn’t (And Can’t) Use On Twitter. If you’re on Twitter, that means you registered an account with a password that isn’t terribly easy to guess. As you may know, Twitter prevents people from doing just that by indicating that certain passwords such as ‘password’ (cough cough) and ’123456′ are too obvious to be picked. Twitter has 105,779,710 Registered Users, Adding 300K A Day. The History of Twitter’s Valuation [Infographic]

Silicon Valley’s Next Big Mafia Is Coming Out Of Twitter. Editor’s Note: TechCrunch columnist Semil Shah currently works at Votizen and is based in Palo Alto. You can follow him on Twitter @semil In middle school, my teacher assigned a book by Mario Puzo called “The Godfather.” Yes, it was pretty epic. From that work of art, mass audiences were introduced to Don Corleone and eventually its derivatives; Goodfellas, Bugsy, Capone, Casino, Heat, The Departed, and scores of other pieces that romanticized the notion of organized crime across the globe, a world of big bosses, willing soldiers, and internal codes of helping out each other, from family to family.

One reason I believe the Valley is so enamored with these types of groups is because individual stars emerge from an organization that go on to become more influential and powerful. Which leads me to speculate where the next mafia could emerge from: Twitter. It’s a bit early, but Twitter has the makings for the next “family.” Photo Credit: Jerine on Creative Commons Flickr. Twitter gets 6-year payroll-tax break from San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Twitter is getting a tax break that the San Francisco Board of Supervisors hopes will keep the social-media company and other growing tech firms in the city for years to come. In an 8-to-3 vote, the supervisors approved an ordinance on Tuesday to give Twitter and others an exemption from having to pay a 1.5% city payroll tax for the next six years, as long as those businesses are located in the city's Central Market Street and Tenderloin areas, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Edwin Lee, San Francisco's mayor, applauded the move and said in a statement that it could lead to a rejuvenation of parts of the city that had struggled to attract businesses. "This moment represents a real step forward in the effort to revitalize and transform the Central Market area," Lee said. "Central Market and the Tenderloin have been burdened with high vacancies and blight for decades. "