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IBM identifies four 'digital personalities' to help segment media audiences. IBM has identified four new types of digital consumers that media providers should target to improve digital revenue streams. The ‘Beyond Digital’ report states that the new behaviours of connected customers - which include social viewing, distracted viewing and digesting on-demand content – have greatly impacted media providers. It suggests that content cannibalisation is reducing demand for certain types of content and “digital revenue streams have proven weaker than traditional revenue streams as consumer expectations move from content ownership models to content accessibility models.” As a result, media providers need to target specific ‘digital personalities’, delivering relevant content experiences rather than just content alone - and create new cross-channel digital revenue models.

The four digital personalities identified in the report are not age-based, but instead are derived from how they access content: Efficiency Experts. Nod: news on demand. With Trove, Ex-WaPo Labs Team Takes Another Try at Social Reading. How do you get your daily news? It’s a question that any 21st century news organization is asking itself — a question all too familiar for a guy like Vijay Ravindran. As the chief digital officer of Graham Holdings and former head of the Washington Post’s WaPo Labs team, it’s one he’s asked himself for the better part of the last five years. Now he hopes he has the answer. On Wednesday, Ravindran and his team will launch Trove, a new iOS application that delivers personalized news to readers based on hand-picked content from a collection of curators — namely, the users that will hopefully make up the service.

“We want people who share your interests to be picking the best news for you, rather than getting it from some faceless algorithm,” Ravindran said in an interview. But Trove’s main selling point comes from “curators” that pick the best news items and curate them into subtopics (also called Troves). “Think of Jason Hirschorn’s Media Re:Def email, or Mike Allen’s Playbook. The Sun pushes in-game advertising with Facebook game. Hilton, USA TODAY give guests new content choices. USA TODAY and Hilton Worldwide inked a deal to provide the electronic version of the paper to guests of Hilton-brand hotels.

By Monica Hortobagyi, USA TODAY MCLEAN, Va. - News-hungry travelers this summer will start noticing a new perk in Hilton hotels when they use their laptop, iPad or other devices to go online. Today, Hilton Worldwide and USA TODAY announced that they've agreed to a multiyear deal that will give Hilton customers 24-hour-a-day access to news and local information from Gannett publications including USA TODAY, as well as entertainment, books, magazines, games and other content. TWITTER: Follow USA TODAY reporter Barb DeLollisMORE ONLINE: Quick link to USA TODAY's hotels blogMORE ONLINE: Top 10 most-ordered movies in hotels Hilton's most frequent customers - the top-tier members of Hilton HHonors loyalty program - will receive exclusive access to online entertainment.

TRAVEL NEWS: Business travelers cut back on meal expenses Will customers pay extra? How the deal began. Why investors bought 71 US newspapers last year | Media. There is still a newspaper publishing market in the United States. Seventy-one of the country's daily newspapers changed hands last year in deals totalling just under $800m (£509m). Why? A New York Times article concedes that answering that question is difficult. Both advertising and circulation revenues "have come under tremendous pressure in the last few years. " But, among the possibilities, is the belief by some investors that they can turn a quick profit by exploiting under-performing assets.

It quotes media industry analyst Agata Kaczanowska as saying: "A lot of these companies are acquiring newspapers and looking for under-performing assets. Another analyst, Ken Doctor, highlights the "historically low prices" for newspaper companies and the potential for the buyers to make a profit through cost-cutting. " "They're hoping for the same miracle that occurred with Platinum," said Mutter. Real estate assets may also play a part in decisions to buy. Source: New York Times. How tech’s giants want to re-invent journalism.

Some of Silicon Valley’s biggest technology companies reject suggestions they are now news organisations. But they nevertheless think they have the prescription for what news media must do next… First, the disclosures: “We’re not a news company,” Google’s head of news products and Google+ programming Richard Gingras told media executives at the Paley Center’s international council of media executives in Madrid on Thursday.

“We’re a platform,” Facebook’s journalism manager Vadim Lavrusik duly followed. Oh, really… ? Kill the article “Do we not deserve to rethink the architecture of what a ‘story’ is, the form of presentation and narrative to meet the needs of people who are consuming, not just by articles? ,” Google’s Gingras, who previously led Salon Media Group and pioneering online community The Well, asked at the gathering. “As Larry Page once said to me,” Gingras relayed, “‘Why don’t reporters do more footnoting?’” Context is king SQL at J-school Less is more Nevermind the homepage. The Future of the book is the stream: no longer sold by title, but by time. How the Huffington Post became a new-media behemoth.

In a blog post at her eponymous website, Arianna Huffington has provided some numbers that describe the growth of the news network over the past year — a year that coincided with its acquisition by AOL for $315 million — and more than a few of them are eye-popping. At a time when some newspaper websites are happy to get page views in the tens of millions in a month, The Huffington Post racked up more than a billion page views in December. And while page views can be inflated, some of the site’s other metrics show that if there’s one thing the team that build the HuffPo understands, it is how to get reader engagement to hit levels that other news sites and publishers can only dream of. It should be noted that AOL started redirecting its existing news portal site to the Huffington Post site in May, which undoubtedly helped boost many of the traffic numbers (although it’s not clear just how many visitors the AOL News site was getting when it made the switch).

Arianna Huffington: "Wir sind sehr opportunistisch" - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt. The Incredible Shrinking New York Times. Spool Lets You Save Articles And Videos For Personal Offline Use. Can newspapers also be tech incubators? PaidContent:UK - Mobile. This may be the year where newspapers finally drop the idea of treating all news as a product, and all readers as customers. One early sign of this shift was the 2010 launch of paywalls for the London Times and Sunday Times. These involved no new strategy; however, the newspaper world was finally willing to regard them as real test of whether general-interest papers could induce a critical mass of readers to pay.

(Nope.) Then, in March, the New York Times introduced a charge for readers who crossed a certain threshold of article views (a pattern copied from the financial press, and especially the Financial Times) which is generating substantial revenue. Finally, and most recently, were a pair of announcements last month: The Chicago Sun-Times was adopting a new threshold charge, and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune said that their existing one was also working well. A printed paper was a bundle. Thresholds are now mostly being tried at big-city papers — New York, Chicago, Minneapolis. The erosion in the paid media pyramid.

Since the invention of media (the book, the record, the movie...), there's been a pyramid of value and pricing delivered by those that create it: Starting from the bottom: Free content is delivered to anyone who is willing to consume it, usually as a way of engaging attention and leading to sales of content down the road. This is the movie trailer, the guest on Oprah, the free chapter, the tweets highlighting big ideas. Mass content is the inevitable result of a medium where the cost of making copies is inexpensive. So you get books for $20, movie tickets for $8 and newspapers for pocket change. Mass content has been the engine of popular culture for a century. Limited content is something rare, and thus more expensive. And finally, there's bespoke content. Three things just happened: A. B.

C. As a result of these three factors, there's a huge sucking sound, and that's the erosion of mass as part of the media model. Traffic to Newspaper Websites Continues to Surge. The paradox continues. Newspaper readership continues to run at all-time highs as the business model crumbles. From a Newspaper Association of America press release issued today: Newspapers improved upon their website traffic in the first quarter of 2012 with a 4.4 percent increase year-over-year in adult unique visitors (113 million) and a 10 percent increase in adult average daily visitors (25 million).Further, newspapers achieved a more than 7 percent increase in unique visitors ages 21 to 34, with average daily visits by this age group up 17 percent and total visits rising by 15 percent, an analysis performed by the Newspaper Association of America with data provided by comScore reveals. Young audience engagement with newspaper websites also is demonstrated by a 10 percent increase in average daily visitors in the 18-to-24 age group.

Read more… Comments comments. Gannett, Hearst, Others Partner on Shopping Site - 2011-11-17 15:59:50. Eight major media companies, including Gannett, Cox Media Group, Hearst and Washington Post Co., have formed a joint online shopping venture called Find N Save Network. While a number of the companies own TV stations, the digital venture is for newspapers. Any local daily paper in the country can affiliate with Find N Save, which offers daily deals and coupons, and alerts shoppers to deals via text message. By the end of 2012, it will be in place at an estimated 250 newspapers, say the principals, and 400 by 2013.

Christopher Tippie, the founding executive director of the Yahoo! Newspaper Consortium, will serve as acting CEO. Other media companies involved include A. "This initiative provides advertisers a unique opportunity to reach consumers through a simplified and standardized advertising platform," says Tippie. Der Journalist – das neue Haustier. Der Journalist – das neue Haustier France Télévisions, das öffentlich-rechtliche Fernsehen Frankreichs, startete vergangene Woche mit einer neuen Nachrichtenplattform «France TV info» (FTVI) eine kleine Revolution. Auf einem Livestream mit Aktualitäten im Minutentakt verschränken sich Journalismus und Social Media kongenial. Für den Zuschauer wird der Journalist zum treuen Begleiter, der ihm auf Schritt und Tritt folgt. 24 Uhr. Journalistin Catherine Fournier verabschiedet sich von ihren GesprächstpartnerInnen, deren Fragen und Anregungen sie in den letzten Stunden online beantwortet hat: «Il va être temps de vous quitter.

Mon collègue Vincent Matalon reprend la main dès 6h pour une nouvelle journée d’actualité en temps réel.» Sie gibt noch einen kurzen dreizeiligen Ausblick auf die wichtigsten Themen des folgenden Tages. Vor einem Jahr präsentierte Schweizer Radio- und Fernsehen SRF seine Social Media-Strategie. Gerade schlägt es 6 Uhr früh. BitCoin - Virtual Currency. Six Lessons for News Publishers from Seth Godin. Seth Godin is the marketer’s marketer, somewhere beyond guru. He’s now poking the edges of publishing. After 13 bestsellers, manufactured and sold through the traditional industry, he’s causing quite a stir in the book world, publishing his new book — “Poke the Box” — through The Domino Project. If you haven’t heard much about Domino yet, you soon will.

Domino marries Godin’s marketing star power (76,000 followers of his blog just through Twitter) with the book marketing heft of a little company called Amazon. The Domino Project is powered by Amazon, as it moves deeper into the world of becoming a publisher itself, building on its CreateSpace do-it-yourself publishing initiative and its two imprints launched last year, Amazon Encore (reprints of previously self-published books) and Amazon Crossing (translations). Domino is, aspirationally, higher profile. The Domino Project is also a good distillation of the challenges faced by the legacy book industry.

The six: Article Tags Categories. Facebook vs Twitter for journalists - a short comparison. En presse, le Web va défendre le papier - Marque. Marketing Magazine Pensez-vous qu'un média soi une marque comme les autres, déclinable à l'envi? Pierre Conte: Je crois qu'aucune marque n'est déclinable à l'envi. Avant d'élargir une gamme, il faut se poser beaucoup de questions sur les frontières à respecter pour ne pas mettre en danger et déstabiliser l' ADN de la marque. Ceci étant, oui, un média est une marque comme une autre, qui peut être déclinée. Mais il faut savoir ce que l'on entend par déclinaison. Ainsi, Le Figaro numérique n'est pas une simple déclinaison du support papier.

La digitalisation des groupes de presse est-elle inévitable? Bien sûr, l'avenir est dans le digital. Comment menez-vous cette révolution au Figaro? Nous la vivons de manière positive. Comment expliquez-vous l'échec du repositionnement de La Tribune par nextradio? Alain Weil porte depuis toujours le discours de la convergence, celle de l'époque Messier, et c'est aussi celle que nous pratiquons ici. Pierre Conte (Le Figaro) C'est un modèle économique mixte. Time restricts non-subscribers online | Media. Time magazine is restricting online access to its latest edition to users who subcribe either in print or via the iPad. Visitors to can access relatively little content from the latest edition of the magazine, dated 12 July, with sections including letters to the editor behind the paywall. Clicking on almost any story that comes from the magazine leads to a message: "The following is an abridged version of an article that appears in the July 12, 2010 print and iPad editions of TIME.

" Most of's extensive web-only content remains free, but this message appears on all content from the print edition of the magazine. Time's digital iPad edition costs $4.99 (£3.30). The jury is out on whether the new strategy, spotted by Joshua Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab, is an experiment or part of a long term plan. Benton refers to it as a "paywall without a door" strategy, as there appears to be no way for users online to pay for access.

USA: Internet media continue to evolve, old media flirt with ext. One of our more charming American sayings is that a time comes when you have to shit or get off the pot. We can only hope that moment has arrived in the debate over paid content online, and that in 2010, Rupert Murdoch and company will charge or not, and succeed or fail, and we can be done with this tiresome topic. While old media moguls fret over collecting pennies, upstarts will be creating more competitive news businesses, having the advantage of much lower costs.

We have seen not-for-profit news organisations march into Minneapolis, San Francisco, Chicago and Texas. Next year, for-profit local news enterprises will launch in Washington, from Politico, and in Hawaii, from eBay's founder, Pierre Omidyar. Algorithms will play a greater role in the media industry and its economics. This will be the year when it becomes apparent that the future of news and media is entrepreneurial, not institutional. If, instead of the same tired debates over old media, you seek something new, go mobile. Citizen Journalism Platform AllVoices Sets Up News Desks In 30 C. 6 Game-Changing Digital Journalism Events of 2011. Media News: 2009 Was a Lousy Year for Top 100 Media Cos - Advert. Study Finds Newspapers Lead in Providing New Information - NYTim.

Etreintes digitales. Making Your News Budget Public: How And Why. A subscription to Times Online could be just another item on Sky. Media News. Alfred's Free Press - Witness. Al Jazeera unveils new portal for citizen reporters. Europas Pay-Modelle im Vergleich. Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard » Blog Archive » For the media biz, i. ARTST Guild & Gallery | A Community For Artists. Kidult. NewsCred Relaunches, Looks To Become “Ning For Newspapers” Forecasting Daily Print’s Demise. Study: 52 Percent Of Bloggers Consider Themselves Journalists. BBC tells news staff to embrace social media | Media | guardian. Hulu Investor Injects $50 Million Into Baidu’s Online Video Vent.

Context is King: How Videos Are Found And Consumed Online. Six Million Check-Ins for Top 10 Shows on GetGlue Last Year | Trending Topics: What's Hot Right Now in Social Media. USA Today Outsources New Web Section to Demand Media - Advertisi. Demand Media gets down to major media publishers | Media | guard. What works for news orgs on Foursquare? Opinion, reviews, evergreens, but maybe not the news.