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Homemade mayonnaise. May 18th, 2012 · 18 Comments I am an avid mayonnaise hater.

homemade mayonnaise

Are any of you out there with me on this? Surely I am not the only one. There is something off-putting about eating a gelatinous white goo that is known for clogging arteries. I would never, ever buy potato salad from a grocery store given that they all look like they are swimming in mayo. Ingredients 1 egg yolk* 1 tbsp lemon juice 1/2 tbsp Dijon mustard Kosher salt 3/4 cups neutrally flavored oil (vegetable, canola, peanut) Instructions Place the egg yolk in the bowl of the food processor and add the lemon juice and mustard. Notes *This recipe calls for using a raw egg yolk. Copyright 2012 Dishing the Divine Tags: 60 min or less · easy · kitchen tips. DIY Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix.

Christmas Cookies

Create Your Own Signature Mini Pie. Amazing No-Knead Bread: Step-by-step recipe. If you have been hanging out around Frugal Living NW for awhile, you know that I am a big believer in making food from scratch at home.

Amazing No-Knead Bread: Step-by-step recipe

With a few exceptions, I prefer creating something in my own kitchen to buying it in the grocery store. Bread can be tricky, though. There is some stiff competition out there, and it is tough to replicate a commercial oven’s heat and steam in a normal home kitchen. For the last several years, I thought that Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes was the best thing since, well, sliced bread. It was simple, and we were content with the results. We have been baking bread using this method ever since. I am telling you, this is consistently the best bread I have ever made in my kitchen. The only changes I have made to Lahey’s method is to double the amounts and adjust the baking time and temperature to achieve a bigger loaf with a thinner crust. The ingredients are simple: flour, water, salt, and yeast. Oh, wait! Ok, I know what some of you are thinking: 12-18 hours! How to Lose Up To 10 Pounds In 3 Days On The 3-Day Diet! (Three Day, Military Diet)

"Before the birth of my second child, my max weight was 241 pounds.

How to Lose Up To 10 Pounds In 3 Days On The 3-Day Diet! (Three Day, Military Diet)

I had gained double the weight with my second pregnancy, but had just accepted the weight gain as being healthy for myself and my baby girl. I was thinking that I would be able to lose it with no problem. Then, at my six week postpartum checkup, I was only down to 216 pounds. I thought to myself, "OK, now that it's been six weeks since my baby was born, I can get back on my exercise routine and lose this weight. No more of those, 'You just had a baby' excuses. " I was going through some photos on our Ipad one day and I thought to myself, "Oh my . . . who is that lady sitting on our couch? " One day, as I was browsing on Pinterest, I noticed a link to this article. I just completed my 15th week and had my weigh-in this morning.


Delicious, Fat-Trimming Juice Recipes. Carb Free Cloud Bread Recipe - - 411501. Blueberry Infused Vodka Lemonade. Every time my fiancé and I go down to visit his family in NC, his dad ribs me about all the rednecks we come across.

Blueberry Infused Vodka Lemonade

Like I’m some fish-out-of-water, ain’t never seen no rednecks before, “city girl.” I always have to remind him that I hail from East Tennessee where the moonshine flows steady and the rednecks are aplenty. Heck, I grew up learning all the versus of Rocky Top (yeah, there’s more than one and a chorus) and, when necessary, I can speak with more twang that Reese Witherspoon in Sweet Home Alabama. Don’t doubt my hillbilly street cred. And I can handle a strong mountain drink. Ingredients: (makes 2 drinks) vodka 1/2 cup fresh blueberries 1/2 cup frozen blueberries.

Main Dishes

Lunch Foods. Breakfast Foods. Salads. Snacks. Soups. Desserts.