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Now That's Interesting! 35 YouTube Hacks and Tricks that Are Worth Your Try. YouTube specific start time When you want your friends to see a certain part of a video, you may need to tell him the exact start time. Why bother to do this? Here is a trick that you can use to share with your friends from the exact time that you want your friends to see. Here is a YouTube URL: Add #t=02m08s to the end of the url and share with your friends.

Skip unwanted part It's always boring to wait to get the real information in a video. Changes to Bypass regional restriction It's no news that YouTube is blocked in some countries. Repeat YouTube playback Sometimes, you may want to watch a YouTube video again and again, but YouTube don't have such a feature. View high quality videos Up till now, more and more videos support high quality playback. Embed Higher Quality Videos changes to: Top 10 DIY Miracles You Can Accomplish with a $1 Binder Clip.


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