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War. CFR. Spying-tracking. United States. USAID. Universities. Obama: Black Americans Feel Pain in Martin Verdict. President Barack Obama on Friday jumped into the debate over the acquittal of the man who killed black Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, declaring that Martin "could have been me, 35 years ago" and urging Americans to understand the pain blacks felt over the case. Obama abruptly appeared in the White House press briefing room to offer his thoughts on the trial of George Zimmerman, the Sanford, Florida, neighborhood watch volunteer who was found not guilty of murder for shooting Martin, 17, in a struggle in 2012. The televised trial and Saturday's verdict highlighted contentious issues such as racial profiling, with many blacks arguing that Zimmerman chose to follow Martin because he was black, and rejecting Zimmerman's self-defense argument.

Without saying so specifically, Obama sided with those who say the shooting need not have happened, expressing sympathy to the Martin family and praising them for the "incredible grace and dignity with which they've dealt with the entire situation. " Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Image Result. President Obama Interview with Jay Leno: Healthcare Changes Coming October 1st – 8/7/13. Which state is Washington, D.C. located in? Actually, the District does not share a land border with Virginia. The Potomac River separates them. Otherwise, it is surrounded by Maryland as star_gazer says.

After the US Constitution (1787) provided that a tract of land be reserved for the seat of the federal government, both Maryland and Virginia offered parcels for that purpose; on 16 July 1790, Congress authorized George Washington to choose a site not more than 10 mi (16 km) square along the Potomac River. President Washington made his selection in January 1791 and then appointed Andrew Ellicott to survey the area and employed Pierre Charles L'Enfant, a French military engineer who had served in the Continental Army, to draw up plans for the federal city. On 3 May 1802, the city of Washington was incorporated (the District also included other local entities), with an elected council and a mayor appointed by the president. Photos du journal.

President Obama Breaks Silence on Zimmerman Verdict. R.O.C.K. in the USSA Anyer Marx El Presidente Dedhedvedev I just LOVE our white black president. He's SO incite-ful. ThePeoplesComrade Red Square Lyman DeKoquonut Unfair comparison, there is NO WAY that TM smoked THAT MUCH pot. Commissarka Pinkie Fraulein Frankenfeinstein I SEE THE RESEMBLANCE!! Bones Join us and yoo too can be like Obama supporting democrat comrades Paula Dean and George Zimmerman, expendable tools for the greater good of the Obama state!

Tovarichi Social media reports Zimmerman changing his name to Ben Ghazi, thus insuring Dear Leader (PBUH) never mentions him again...films at eleven.... Captain Craptek. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Michelle_obama.jpg (JPEG Image, 510 × 599 pixels) - Scaled (95%) 9-11 WTC Biggest Gold Heist in History: $300 Billion in Bars. MICHELLE O MEETS THE HECKLERS: LISTEN, OR I'M LEAVING!<BR><BR> Advertisement From: General Wes Clark [] Date: January 5, 2014, 3:06:45 PM EST Subject: Free Hillary Clinton Bumper Sticker Reply-To: Have you picked up your free Ready for Hillary bumper sticker yet? Please take a moment to read this special message from General Wes Clark.

Ready For Hillary PAC is solely responsible for the content of this message. Grassroots movements happen when neighbors talk to neighbors and tell them to get involved. One of the best ways to spark these conversations about Hillary potentially running in 2016 is by showing your support right now. Hillary has what it takes to be the next President of the United States. Now is the time to get our support for Hillary organized and ready for 2016. Claim your free sticker: Proudly put your support for Hillary on display and tell your friends to do the same. Thanks for joining with us, General Wes Clark. Marsy's Law For All - Fighting to Guarantee Basic Rights for All Victims. Marsy's Law for all - California crime victim's bill of rights Home About Calendar Resources Media Contact Media Press Inquiries For press inquiries, please email For general, non-press related inquiries, please contact Videos Henry T. Federally-Funded Street Lights Capable of “Recording Conversations”

Orwellian ‘Intellistreets’ system now being installed in major cities Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, November 1, 2011 Federally-funded high-tech street lights now being installed in American cities are not only set to aid the DHS in making “security announcements” and acting as talking surveillance cameras, they are also capable of “recording conversations,” bringing the potential privacy threat posed by ‘Intellistreets’ to a whole new level. In the days after we first brought attention to the privacy concerns surrounding the new street lights, with our story featuring prominently on the Drudge Report website, the company behind them, Illuminating Concepts, went on the defensive, issuing a press release claiming the devices didn’t represent a “big brother” intrusion.

However, as you can see from the video above, ‘Intellistreets’ is big brother on steroids. A d v e r t i s e m e n t Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Print this page. Image Result. Obama-n-Michelle.jpg (JPEG Image, 479 × 477 pixels) While You Were Distracted, Obama Signs Executive Order. Picture from Flickr. While the media and alternative media was focused on the Trayvon mob circus shows across the country, Obama was signing an executive order requiring all Americans be HIV tested from age 15+. It is being hailed as a great HIV prevention program but he’s forcing all Americans to be tested whether we want to or not. He is also requiring us to give up our DNA whether we like it or not.

Reuters Obama Orders Stepped Up Effort Against U.S. (29) Open to corruption P1. NSA slides and the PRISM data-collection program. FBI. Police/Cop. Gov-INFO ACCESS.