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Freedom From Clutter | Getting It Together - Vancouver Professional Organizer. Are you drowning in clutter and don’t know where to start? Would you like to be more organized? Would you like more time for fun? Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed? If you answered “Yes” to any (or all) of these questions, then you are ready for the Freedom from Clutter Master Mind Series. This 4-week series is designed with you in mind. Your questions, concerns and challenges matter and will be discussed in our 55 minute video/conference calls. By the end of the series you will be in control of your clutter and a master organizer. Imagine… …having more time for your family and friends …finding an item in 20 seconds or less …knowing you’re not alone. Master Minds are great minds thinking alike; being with like-minded people in similar situations with similar challenges and brainstorming solutions.

Attend live or listen in later at your convenience (you must register for either). Ready to register right now? What Does the Master Mind Series Include? Week 3: Clutter vs. Why Rowena? Just Organize Yourself. 3 Tips to Keep Things Organized. About Us. Unclutterer: Daily tips on how to organize your home and office. A Definition of Clutter. - How To Declutter Your Home FAST. The Very Small Closet. Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers, UK. De-Clutter Your Life Mind Map. [ Download Mind Map ] This Guest Post, written by Paul Foreman, presents us with very simple, yet extremely effective solutions on how to de-clutter our environment and mind in ways that will bring about a greater sense of balance, freedom and fulfillment into our lives. You can free a tremendous weight off your shoulders and mind, not to mention your floorboards, simply by having a big clear out of unwanted stuff.

Once you start de-cluttering it is very contagious. The benefits begin to drive you on and are felt immediately. Introduction You can free a tremendous weight off your shoulders and mind, not to mention your floorboards, simply by having a big clear out of unwanted stuff. It can take courage and honesty to truly see what you really need and what you have simply been holding on to without much thought. You may well encounter inner resistance and become defensive about hanging onto your attachments. A clear mind is a problem free mind. Remember the probing questions: