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Google just revealed the incredibly simple formula for killer résumés. Germany, which has a better track record than most European countries on sheltering refugees, has made a move to address one of the more lunatic aspects of the European immigration crisis. The country has said (link in German) it will stop sending away refugees of the five-year war in Syria, and instead process their asylum claims in Germany. Why doesn’t that already happen? It’s the result of a 2003 piece of legislation that human rights organizations have long been describing as a “trap.” The legislation is called the Dublin Protocol, and was designed to stop migrants traveling through Europe to countries with favorable regimes before claiming asylum. If people need asylum, the argument ran, they should be claiming it straight away—and the state in which they do so should remain responsible for processing it.

There is a huge problem with this logic, however, and many northern European countries have chosen to turn a blind eye to it: geography. 200 astuces pour maîtriser Google. Google est avant tout connu pour son moteur de recherche. Lancé en 1998, l’outil n’a cessé de se perfectionner, pour devenir la référence. Mais Google, ce n’est pas qu’un moteur de recherche : il s’agit aujourd’hui d’un éco-système complet, proposant de nombreux services. Gmail pour envoyer et recevoir des emails, Google Agenda pour gérer son calendrier, Google Drive pour synchroniser et modifier des documents, Google+ pour partager de l’information… Les outils Google sont relativement simples à prendre en main. Mais ils regorgent de fonctionnalités plus ou moins cachées.

Les connaître permet de gagner un temps précieux. Afin de profiter des services Google à 100%, nous avons rassemblé des astuces sur chaque outil Google. 10 astuces pour mieux gérer son compte Google Avant de maîtriser les outils Google, il est important de maîtriser son compte Google. 25 astuces pour la recherche sur Google Le moteur de recherche est l’outil Google le plus utilisé. 25 astuces pour Gmail. 6 Simple Photo Tools for Creating Social Media Visuals. Are you including images in your social media content? Looking for easy-to-use tools to help you create images for your content strategy? If the idea of using Photoshop makes your head spin or hiring a graphic designer isn’t an option, there are many easy-to-use, low-cost alternatives available to you to create social media graphics. In this article, I’ll show you 6 easy tools that will help you create compelling graphics for social media. #1: Use PicMonkey’s Online Photo Editor to Take Your Images From Good to Glorious PicMonkey‘s free option has a wide variety of frames, special effects and font types to choose from.

With a touch of a button, you can crop and resize your photo, and add text to your images. Choose from a wide variety of free fonts on PicMonkey to create appealing images like this one with PicMonkey. The paid option offers additional features that include more frames and photo effects. PicMonkey is a great solution for all types of social media images. Final Thoughts. VaryCode: Google Translate for Source Code. We just came across a very interesting new web application, VaryCode. VaryCode is an all-in-one programming code converter. VaryCode’s Makerting Manager told us that the application is “a kind of Google Translate between seven major programming languages: C#, Visual Basic .Net, Java, C++, Ruby, Python and Boo.”

As source code conversion is often one of the last things that any programmer wants to do, it is a pain in the ass, a tool like VaryCode is a great resource. However, the founders point out that while the app eliminates many of the mundane aspects, the conversion is not 100% automated, and still requires human input: The Service is not supposed to be an ultimate one-click solution one can easily migrate between platforms with. The lion’s share of conversions of nontrivial snippets of code will for certain require some human hand-crafted adjustments. There is a good argument against 100% automation, however. The comparison to Google Translate is apt in more ways than one. Hire by Auditions, Not Resumes - Matt Mullenweg. By Matt Mullenweg | 2:00 PM January 7, 2014 Automattic employs 225 people. We’re located all over the world, in 190 different cities.

We have a headquarters in San Francisco and it operates similar to a co-working space. For those who live in the Bay Area, they can work from the office, if they’d like. But in general, the majority of our employees work somewhere other than our home base. To us, this arrangement makes sense — we work in open source software, which is a decentralized product. It all starts with the way we think about work. In a lot of businesses, if someone shows up in the morning and he isn’t drunk, he doesn’t sleep at his desk, and he’s dressed nicely, it’s assumed that he’s working. This arrangement isn’t for everyone. Before we hire anyone, they go through a trial process first, on contract.

During the trials, we give the applicants actual work. There’s nothing like being in the trenches with someone, working with them day by day. 10 New Skills You Can Learn in 6 Months. If you're entering the job market or a new industry, you may find your resume lacking in skills and experience — especially if you just graduated college. It's tempting to lie, but if a new employer ever asked you to use any of those fake skills, like producing a video or speaking Danish, you're suddenly in very hot water. There's a much easier way to fill up your resume: Actually learn some skills. There are plenty of impressive abilities that you can learn in six months or less, which is a great way to catch a potential employer's attention for all the right reasons.

No matter what your chosen vocation may be, here are 10 resume-worthy skills you can learn in half a year, with links to tutorials to get you started. 1. Image and Video Editing More and more jobs are looking for basic photo and video editing skills, so it's useful to spend your free time — whether it's weekends or a summer — mastering at least one editing program. 2. Image: Flickr, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan 3. 4. 5. Welcome to Forbes. 8 façons de customiser le bureau de son PC.

S'il y a bien un sport que j'ai pratiqué à grande échelle autrefois, c'est la customisation de bureau de PC. Un vrai petit jacky du tuning informatique. J'étais super fier d'avoir sous la main un bureau Windows qui ne ressemblait à aucun autre, et de voir la réaction des curieux qui ne manquaient pas de me demander sur quel système d'exploitation il tournait. J'avoue que depuis que Linux occupe la plupart de mes machines personnelles, je me suis un peu calmé. Ou alors je vieillis. Si Windows 8 avec sa nouvelle interface offre quelques possibilités de personnalisation spécifiques, il reste toujours quelques fondamentaux modifiables sur le bureau "classique", et qui sont du coup possible de réaliser sur la plupart des versions de l'OS de Microsoft... mais aussi sur les autres systèmes. De la simple personnalisation graphique au vrai ajout de fonctionnalités utiles, tu vas voir qu'il est possible de changer pas mal de choses.

Un fond d'écran de qualité Autant commencer par la base. SquadMail est maintenant disponible comme extension sur Chrome. SquadMail, le Dropbox du courrier électronique, est désormais disponible au travers d’une extension développée pour Google Chrome. SquadMail n’est pas un service récent. En réalité, il a vu le jour en 2011, mais il a passé quelques années en version bêta privée. Les choses ont changé depuis et chacun peut désormais profiter de ses fonctionnalités. Mieux, la société vient même de lancer une extension dédiée pour Chrome, une extension qui va intégrer la solution à Gmail. Tout le monde ne connaissant pas forcément SquadMail, le mieux est de commencer par présenter le service. SquadMail a donc été pensé pour les professionnels. Installer et configurer SquadMail Revenons à cette extension. Lorsque nous en aurons assez, il nous suffira de retourner sur Gmail. Dossier qui apparaîtra dans la colonne latérale, et au niveau du libellé « SquadMail ».

La configuration de l’outil est terminé. Via.