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Louis-Xavier Michaud

Carte: les câbles sous-marins en un plan de métro d'Internet. Nous imaginons habituellement Internet comme un réseau.

Carte: les câbles sous-marins en un plan de métro d'Internet

Son filet interconnecté permet aux données et aux idées de se répandre à travers le monde. Mais Mark Graham et Stefano De Sabbata du Oxford Internet Institute aiment réimaginer cette métaphore à travers des visualisations. Et cette fois-ci ils ont créé une carte de métro de l'Internet en se basant sur le réseau de câbles à fibre optique sous-marins La carte en haute résolution ici. Chaque arrêt de métro est un nœud (un endroit où des données sont envoyées et reçues comme un fournisseur de service Internet) assigné à un pays.

Ils ont récupéré les informations sur les nœuds sur La carte utilise aussi des symboles pour signaler que certains pays ont été identifiés comme des ennemis de l'Internet par Reporters sans frontières. Par exemple, le Sénégal est le troisième pays le plus central du réseau mondial parce que la plupart des câbles du sud de l'Atlantique y émergent. Lily Hay Newman Traduit et adapté par G.F. Services aux entreprises : Portail Québec. 36 Startup Tips: From Software Engineering to PR and More! This is a collection of startup tips covering software engineering, infrastructure, PR, conferences, legal and finance.

36 Startup Tips: From Software Engineering to PR and More!

They describe best practices for an early-stage startup. We hope that you will find these tips useful, but also please remember that they are based on subjective experiences and not all of them will be applicable to your company. These tips originally appeared as separate posts on the BlueBlog, the blog of AdaptiveBlue. [Ed: Alex Iskold is founder and CEO of AdaptiveBlue, as well as being a feature writer for RWW.] Since the posts were quite popular, we decided to share them with the ReadWriteWeb audience during the holiday season. 8 Software Engineering Tips for Startups Since software is at the heart of every modern startup it needs to be elegant, simple and agile. Tip 0: You must have code Working code proves that a system is possible, and it also proves that the team can build the system.

Kill the DRM in Your Old iTunes Music Purchases. Photo: Josh Valcarcel/WIRED In 2009, Apple finally decided to drop DRM from the iTunes music library.

Kill the DRM in Your Old iTunes Music Purchases

That didn’t help much with songs purchased before that decision, however. Fortunately, if you still have these crippled tracks sitting in your library, there’s an easy way to kill the DRM with a few steps. It used to be that most digital music was riddled with DRM. Terrified music labels essentially decided we were all thieves and couldn’t be trusted. First navigate to iTunes in the menu bar and select Preferences. Let’s make sure those protected songs are ready for download. To find all your “protected” music in iTunes, in the List view click on “Kind” to order your music by the type of file it is. Now select the cloud icon again and download the songs you just deleted by clicking on the cloud with the downward pointing arrow icon for each song. Trucs pour prolonger la durée de vie de son ordi! Le recyclage et la réutilisation, ça touche aussi l'univers de la techno!

Trucs pour prolonger la durée de vie de son ordi!

C'est pourquoi Insertech a lancé sa campagne de sensibilisation environnementale «Reconditionner, c'est bon pour tout le monde!». The Secret Behind Pixar’s Storytelling Process. Fast Company has an excerpt from Creativity, Inc., the new book by Pixar co-founder Ed Catmull (with Amy Wallace), which goes inside the creative process at the studio.

The Secret Behind Pixar’s Storytelling Process

Catmull attributes much of their creative success to their internal process for continually refining stories. It includes meetings with the Braintrust, a group of executives, directors and other storytellers who are assigned to objectively critique the work—but only as suggestions for the director to accept or dismiss on her own: To understand why the Braintrust is so central to Pixar, you have to start with a basic truth: People who take on complicated creative projects become lost at some point in the process.

It is the nature of things–in order to create, you must internalize and almost become the project for a while, and that near-fusing with the project is an essential part of its emergence. But it is also confusing.


SympaScience. The 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People. Photo Credit: November 18, 2013 | Like this article?

The 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Most of us claim we want to be happy—to have meaningful lives, enjoy ourselves, experience fulfillment, and share love and friendship with other people and maybe other species, like dogs, cats, birds, and whatnot. So if you aspire to make yourself miserable, what are the best, most proven techniques for doing it? Here, I cover most areas of life, such as family, work, friends, and romantic partners.


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