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CHI 2011 Program. Can Users Remember Their Pictorial Passwords Six Years Later? - Works In Progress - ACM Thomas S Tullis Fidelity Investments, Donna P Tedesco Fidelity Investments, Kate E McCaffrey Fidelity Investments Abstract » Previous research had shown that pictorial passwords, where users recognize their target images among distractors, have potential for improving the usability of authentication systems. A method using personal photos provided by the users as their targets, shown among highly similar distractors, showed the most promise for both accuracy and security.

But the longest time period that had been tested between successive login attempts was only about one month. We wanted to see what happens when six years have elapsed. We recruited some of the same participants from the previous study and tested their ability to select their target photos six years later. ReHandle: Towards Integrating Physical Rehabilitation in Everyday life - Works In Progress - ACM WATER Alert!

Deana S. [mfadt] Looking for resources for learning UI & UX design - wolozinl - Mail. I Know Where Your Cat Lives: Charts. History of APIs. The history of APIs is something I discuss a lot. The history of modern web APIs is something I include in all my talks, and I'm always surprised by how little people understand some of the more popular APIs that got us to where we are at. To further support this area, I've launched a History of APIs section where I've hung the stories I've already done in this area, and will be looking to dig up the history on other APIs that are shaking things up.

When I'm talking to people about APIs, the term APIs can mean many different things. Sometimes it means hardware APIs, or the Java API or various other technical incarnations. When it comes to APIs, I strongly feel that to understand where we are, we need to understand the short, modern history of the web APIs. Commerce Then on July 16, 2002, Amazon launched Web Services allowing developers to incorporate content and features into their own web sites. The modern Web API movement was kicked off. Social Cloud Computing Mobile. [mfadt] [WORKSHOP]LIVE CODING SHADERS with OPENFRAMEWORKS - wolozinl - Mail. (Field)