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March 2012

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Tattoos - you can see this close up... CherrieDragon Tattoos growing tribute to tattoo art, the artists that create them and the people that wear them.I am not a tattoo artist I just appreciate the beauty of a great tattoo.

Tattoos - you can see this close up...

Search the blog by using + your search term Example to search for flower tattoos go to you can see this close up at Source: Posted on February 15, 2012 with 14 notes.Tagged with tattoos, tattooed, tattoo, infographic, awesome, . Related Posts. How Ghana Is Using Social Media to Promote Voter Registration. Ghana's general elections are coming up this December, and to help streamline the voter registration process, the country is now implementing its first-ever biometric voter registration — in other words, using fingerprint technology to help verify identity.

How Ghana Is Using Social Media to Promote Voter Registration

Ghana is also using social media to publicize the process, correct misconceptions and increase overall attention about the upcoming elections. Venus, Jupiter and the Moon to Align for Dazzling Weekend Show. If you find yourself looking up at the night sky this weekend, you’ll be in for a celestial surprise.

Venus, Jupiter and the Moon to Align for Dazzling Weekend Show

On Saturday and again on Sunday, Venus, Jupiter and Earth’s moon will converge, producing a brilliant light show, the Associated Press reports. Jupiter and Venus have been gradually aligning in the western sky, and this weekend, a crescent moon will join them, converging in a display visible at twilight. On Saturday, the moon will appear closer to Venus, and on Sunday, closer to Jupiter.

(MORE: Solar Storm: Get Out Your Camera, Put Away Your Cell Phone) Lulu's Life. Navy pushing program to recruit more minority SEALs. PRICK Magazine - Tattoos - Tattoo, Piercing, and Music Lifestyle Magazine. Apple, Google, And Others Agree To Mobile App Privacy Policy Guidelines. Though Apple, Google, Microsoft, RIM, Amazon, and HP don’t always see eye-to-eye, the six of them have entered into an agreement brokered by California Attorney General Kamala Harris to take a tougher stance on the issue of mobile privacy.

Apple, Google, And Others Agree To Mobile App Privacy Policy Guidelines

Going forward, the six companies involved must provide users with a privacy policy if the app in question collects personal information. Though the move will affect the app submission and downloading process for users the world over, it was designed to bring those six companies into compliance with California state law. “The majority of mobile apps sold today do not contain a privacy policy,” Harris said. “By ensuring that mobile apps have privacy policies, we create more transparency and give mobile users more informed control over who accesses their personal information and how it is used.” On top of that, users will also be given tools to help police their respective app stores. How Tattoos Work" Stars Strip for PETA's 'Ink, Not Mink' Campaign. PETA’s iconic “Ink, Not Mink” campaign has recruited a long list of fur-free celebrities whose sleeves will always made of ink—and never covered in mink.

Stars Strip for PETA's 'Ink, Not Mink' Campaign

Check out the tatted stars who know that engraving skin is always better than putting animals in graves for their skin. Dave Navarro Chris Andersen. Why Everything is Connected to Everything Else, Explained in 100 Seconds. Ashley @ Woman's Center. Activists Say Americans Support Labeling Genetically Modified Food : The Salt. Hide captionPeople march demanding labels for genetically modified food near the White House in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 16, 2011.

Activists Say Americans Support Labeling Genetically Modified Food : The Salt

Ren Haijun/Xinhua /Landov People march demanding labels for genetically modified food near the White House in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 16, 2011. Spring Photos. Urban development: Remember opportunity costs. "The Strategic Goal of This Project is to Drive a Wedge Between Gays and Blacks" Ben Smith got the first look at some internal National Organization for Marriage docs released during the discovery process of NOM and American Principles in Action v.

"The Strategic Goal of This Project is to Drive a Wedge Between Gays and Blacks"

COLOURlovin' fun. 'Ghost Ship' from Japan Tsunami Floating Off Canada's Coast. Experts knew debris from the Japanese tsunami would meander toward North America’s west coast at some point.

'Ghost Ship' from Japan Tsunami Floating Off Canada's Coast

While smaller bits and pieces started hitting the shores of Western Canada this year, the first major item, a 150-foot squid-fishing boat, now bobs in the Pacific Ocean about 120 nautical miles off British Columbia’s north coast, near Haida Gwaii island. The ship has drifted across the Pacific for about a year, ever since the March 2011 tsunami in Japan sent it out to the open ocean. Old-school LIFE photograph... Brooklyn High School Fines Students $100 For Using Facebook, Threatens Expulsion If They Don't Stop. Vibrating Tattoo Could Send Text Alerts Straight to Your Skin. Since we all need a little more connection to our cell phones and other electronic gadgetry, Nokia has developed a plan to send phone alerts right to our bodies.

Vibrating Tattoo Could Send Text Alerts Straight to Your Skin

In an application filed with the U.S. patent office, Nokia has plans for a magnetic vibrating tattoo. The device has “material attachable to skin” and can pick up a signal from a magnetic field and then transmit that signal to a person by vibrating the device, right on their skin. Cherry Blossoms Photos, Cherry Trees Wallpaper, Download, Photos. 3 Words That Guarantee Failure. People who fail to achieve goals almost always signal their intent to fail by using three little words: "I will try...

3 Words That Guarantee Failure

" There are no three words in the English language that are more deceptive, both to the person who says them and the person who hears them. Kony 2012: Fights, Mobs, Takedowns and Meltdowns, but Very Little Truth. I spoke to Jason Russell for the second time last week as one of my final interviews in over two months of reporting for a TIME piece on Joseph Kony, his Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the anti-L.R.A. activist group Russell co-founded with two friends in 2003, Invisible Children. In the time since we’d first spoken in mid-February, Invisible Children had released its 10th film on Kony, Kony 2012, and it had gone viral: Russell said hits were approaching 100 million. Invisible Children, as the TIME article later detailed, had already pulled off one of the greatest advocacy campaigns of all time, a true wag-the-dog story in which a small group of activists had built massive momentum on college campuses across the U.S., then translated that into such vociferous political pressure in Washington that the Congress and the Senate passed a law mandating the U.S.

President to act against the LRA. New Pinterest Profiles Debut: See The Changes (PICTURES) Pinterest just got a makeover. Gay Pride at Military Academies: Norwich University, West Point Holding Gay Pride Week Events. Ethics and Social Media: Where Should You Draw The Line? Music: She has sang back up for @... "12 Different Types of Hangovers" by Alex Watt. Drinking Vodka Makes You Talk More Better. Ireland. Publications MTV Studies Millennials In The Workplace: Uses It To Transform Its Own, Maybe Even Yours 03/15. Does Obama’s Online ‘Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights’ Get the Job Done? The Obama administration just rolled out something it’s calling a “Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights.” 10 Reasons Pinterest Booked 10 Million Visitors a Month So Fast. An ancient ocean on Mars, space buckyballs and a star's near-death experience – in pictures. 5.9-magnitude earthquake strikes southern Taiwan.

Facebook Profile Full Of Friends Can Indicate Job Success: Study. Ashley @ Davis Graduate. Zynga's Purchase of Draw Something? 'It's Going To Be Drawsome' Social game giant Zynga purchased mobile drawing game sensation Draw Something creator OMGPOP Wednesday for a rumored $210 million in cash and employee retention payments. The popular game has been downloaded over 30 million times since its launch 6 weeks ago, with more than 1 billion drawings being created in the process.