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101 Simple Handmade Gift Tutorials. These simple handmade gift tutorials will make any crafty person’s heart sing with joy! You don’t need special skills or a bunch of time because these can all be done super fast! Simple and cute…that works for me! Oh, and think of all the money you will save making these gifts. {At least that’s the story I tell my husband…shhhh!} You are going to love these fabulous tutorials!!! There’s a little something for everyone on your list and if I started talking about each one this would be a book, not a blog post. You can make all your gifts for years from this list! If you love creative links, please subscribe to Everything Etsy! Thanks so much for all your tweets, stumbles, Facebook likes and pins on my Sewing Tutorials and Free Printables posts…you are the coolest crafty friends! If you want to be doubly awesome, try doing handmade gifts that are also eco-friendly! Handmade gifts make people feel special, don’t you think?

~Kim. DIY Elbow Patch. While perusing Pinterest one evening, I came across an intriguing tutorial on the wonderful art of needle felting. I had to learn more – especially after realizing it entailed repeatedly stabbing a needle up and down into a piece of fabric or sweater. A satisfying stress reliever that results in something wearable? Sign me up. And now that I can officially call myself a needle felting maven (and nerd), trust me when I say that you’re going to have a blast with this technique.

So grab your supplies and let’s get started on a pair of heart shaped elbow patches! You’ll need: With the sweater on, place a piece of tape about half an inch below the elbow. Align and center the bottom of the cookie cutter along the top of the tape. Fill the cutter, spreading out the wool fibers evenly. At the base of all felting needles are tiny, sharp burrs, which grab and interlock the wool fibers. Continue stabbing away until the surface is flat and even. Carefully peel the sweater away from the foam. Ta da! Wooden Gems. Try This: Wooden Gems Today's tutorial will set you back a couple of bucks and ten minutes, and in the end, you'll have a handful of little gemstones ready for whatever projects your imagination can scheme up. Read on for the easy step-by-step and few ideas for how to put these little beauties to use. MATERIALS: wooden rectangles, pencil, fine tip paint brush, craft paints in colors of your choosing, black, and white ONE: Begin by sketching the facet lines as shown.

They don't have to be perfect. TWO: Mix up six shades of the color of your choosing using black and white paint. THREE: Use the fine tip brush to carefully paint inside your sketched facet lines. Try out some other colors and use them in all sorts of, keychains, napkin rings. How to make tiny bows @ Do It Yourself Pins. $5 Mobile Phone Projector. The folks at Photojojo just posted a neat low-tech tutorial on how to make a projector for your mobile phone using a shoebox, a paperclip, and a magnifying glass. MacGyver would be proud. They were able to find the magnifying glass at a dollar store for, well, a dollar (so they called it the $1 projector), but let’s just call it $5 before people get up in arms because they can’t find that screaming deal.

Basically, you start by cutting a hole out of one side of the shoebox to match your magnifying glass and taping the glass on the box. Then you make an iPhone holder from a paperclip, flip the screen display on your phone (to account for how images passed through a lens get flipped), position your phone inside the box (playing with placement until you get the clearest image), put the box top back on, turn the room lights down low and the brightness on your phone up high, and revel in your resourcefulness. Doesn’t get more accessible than that! Goli Mohammadi Related. Style Scrapbook: DIY "OMBRE DENIM SHIRT" December 29, 2011 in Uncategorized by Andy I FINALLY got around to do this DIY but since I didn’t want to ruin one of my favorite denim shirts, I went and bought a cheap one at a small store and luckily, the operation was successful!. …This DIY is as simple as they come so if you are feeling adventurous, here is what you need and the step by step: *Special fabric bleach in powder (if you can’t find it, use normal bleach) *Gold buttons (make sure they are the same size as the buttons you are replacing) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Toilet Paper Roll Wall Art. Well that’s a mouthful! So the time has come, it’s Pinterest Challenge time again! Every season Sherry from YHL and Katie from Bower Power throw a little link party to get people to stop pinning things and actually start making. This couldn’t have come at a better time because I have wanted to start this project forever and once Miss Kelly made her way into my kitchen I knew it was time to start it. This was the image I saw that sparked me to start saving my toilet paper rolls. You can find the post here. I literally have been saving my rolls for. ever. Here’s what my toilet paper wall art turned into! Ok let’s get down to the nitty gritty.

Next, I cut them up. Then, I took 4 pieces and glued them together using a hot glue gun. I continued doing this until I had about 40. Then I took the mirror I was going to use (10″ mirror purchased at Joann’s for $8) and placed it on the floor and started adding all the circles around keeping in mind that I wanted to keep it in a circle.

Linking Up To: DIY Embroidery Thread Wrapped Earrings | Creature ComfortsCreature Comforts. This is a special guest post was created by Anne Weil of Flax & Twine. Find more handmade lovelies, simple design and beautiful inspiration on her inspiring blog. Hi everyone! I’m so happy and honored to be a guest poster on Creature Comforts today. I’ve been following along with excitement as Ez has shared her big move with us. Having just moved across the country myself, I am empathetic to the anxiety and discombobulation that comes along with the thrill of a moving adventure. To pack up all your stuff and leave your known environment, only to arrive in a place that needs a lot of settling can overwhelm anyone!

I originally made a neon green version of these hoops for an 80′s Halloween party­–perfect under the black lights. These hoops make for a fabulous last minute, personalized gifts, too! Supplies needed: Embroidery thread (I suggest DMC 6-strand floss for a smooth finish)Inexpensive hoop earrings (I found these at Target)Craft glueScissors So fast, easy and fun! Sweet Anne Handcrafted Designs. Cut Out + Keep · Make and share step-by-step craft tutorials. Mini eco.