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MindHabits - Stress Relief Game. Brain Fitness and Cognitive Health Authority: Market Research and Advisory Services | SharpBrains. Cognitive fun! Efficiency Of Brain Training | HAPPYneuron. Let's do a bit of physiology - Do you know the essential features of brain training? Increasingly, scientific evidence tells us that we can dramatically increase the probability of staying mentally and physically fit throughout our lives.Physical exercise, good nutrition, social connection with others, and mental stimulation all play important parts in insuring that our brains remain sharp and agile. There are several physiological mechanisms to help keep your brain healthy: 1. Stimulated and therefore active neurons get more oxygen and nutritive elements. 2. Neural stimulation multiplies the number of connections between synapses. 3. Keeping your neurons active is the key to generating new ones, as well as developing them and helping them survive. 4.

Even in adult life, neurons can regenerate with stem cells. In other words, complex mental activity can help protect the brain by building cognitive and brain reserves. Stimulate your brain to preserve your cognitive skills 1. BrainHQ by Posit Science | Your Brain Health Headquarters. Home | MorningCoach | Personal Development | Self Help | Self ImprovementMorningCoach | Personal Development | Self Help | Self Improvement | Daily Inspiration to Improve Your Life. Life Coaching Programs for Self Improvement, Depression, Forgiveness, Positive Thinking. Lumosity - Brain Games & Brain Training.