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Converting Markdown to a mind map. I’m working on a “Brainstorming workflow” post right now, and in the process I realized I needed a better tool to turn quick Markdown/plain text scribblings into mind maps.

Converting Markdown to a mind map

I put together a script that will accept a variety of (logical) plain text outline formats and convert them into an indented list in your clipboard. The result is formatted so that pasting it into a mind mapping application will result in a perfect set of topics and nodes for expanding on the outline. I often start an idea in a text file, whether it’s on my iPhone in Notesy, or in nvALT on my Mac. An outline can only go so far for me, though, so I usually end up taking it to a mind mapping application for further expansion. Most mind mapping applications (including MindNode, Mindjet MindManager, Curio, and MindMeister) accept indented text as an “import” option. DataTable - 1000 columns and more. September 2, 2013 As you may know from the previous article, DataTable is not limited by the number of rows.

DataTable - 1000 columns and more

What about columns? The above example shows a grid with 1 000 columns. Yep, it is not a million, but still quite impressive, isn’t it? Rectangle World – HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript: Tutorials and Experiments. Making the Paper Snowflake Web App, Part 1 – Layering canvases Published on December 31, 2013 My first blog post explaining some of the code behind my Paper Snowflake web app.

Rectangle World – HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript: Tutorials and Experiments

In this installment, we look at how multiple canvases are used together to handle drawing and interactivity tasks. Read more… Paper Snowflake Maker – Create, save, and share snowflakes with this HTML5 Canvas app. Published on December 12, 2013. Mixer MKII. AngularFire - A real-time backend for AngularJS from Firebase. Hammer.js - A javascript library for multi-touch gestures. A tidy repository of jQuery plugins. Blog Archive. Become a Handlebars.js ninja. Handlebars can be compiled at runtime, however this is as expensive as it is appending it into the document by jQuery, clearly this article is about alleviating the pain and heavy lifting at runtime, so lets focus on that.

Become a Handlebars.js ninja

In order to precompile Handlebars you need it installed on your system globally as a command line tool, on unix like systems you can execute the following command (assuming you have Node.js installed): $ npm install -g handlebars If that installed OK you’re set to rock and roll! If you've read the Handlebars documentation, you should be familiar with rendering templates with context at runtime, infact you should be familiar with precompiling templates prior to runtime too. Okay, well, here is the trick the documentation failed to mention: How to Send a File Using WebRTC Data API -

Intention.js. Recurly.js: Picking a Signup Workflow. So you probably came across the Recurly.js examples at some point, maybe while reading the first part of this series of articles.

Recurly.js: Picking a Signup Workflow

If you’re like me, though, you’ll then wonder how to properly integrate the Recurly.js form into your app. In this post I’m documenting the 3 different types of integration I could think of, so far. Collecting billing information at the end of trial In this setup you require payment information once the trial is over only. Pros super easy! Cons postponing billing information collection means (at least in my experience) more support and less engaged users. Fortune.js - web framework for prototyping rich APIs. Galileo's Pendulum. JavascriptTips - jslibs - JavaScript language advanced tips and tricks - standalone JavaScript development runtime environment with general purpose native libraries. Queues. Dynamic pagination. Pagination over a constantly changing list is hard.

Dynamic pagination

Really hard. In fact it should be one of those computer science problems up there with naming and cache invalidation. The issue especially surfaces in news sites, like Hacker News. A Simple, Comprehensive Overview of Javascript. This isn’t a reference guide, programming tutorial or detailed overview.

A Simple, Comprehensive Overview of Javascript

It’s a Javascript refresher, assuming you know another programming language and puts all the information in one place (just ctrl+f to find!). Javascript has nothing to do with Java, is dynamically typed and has C-like syntax. Enabling Javascript Include javascript inside HTML: <script> x = 3; </script> Reference external file: <script src=" Redirect if javascript disabled: <noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL= Using Variables, Objects and Arrays.

Progression.js. How To Create Your Own Chrome Extensions. I really like the Chrome browser.

How To Create Your Own Chrome Extensions

It wasn't until recently that I looked into creating extensions and was surprised by how simple it was. If you know basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript then you know all you need to be able to extend your Chrome browser in multitudes of ways. I decided to write up a simple guide explaining some of the basic ways you can easily extend Chrome. HTML(.js) - Befriend the DOM! HTML document.documentElement The global HTML is the actual document root element and all element tags queried via the dot operator are descendants.

HTML(.js) - Befriend the DOM!

HTML.tag... Element|Array HTML allows you to access document elements via their tag name. If multiple elements of the same tag exist, a proper array of elements is returned; otherwise, an Element is returned. AI.js: Robots with Brains. Timeline JS - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use.

Stop writing Regular Expressions. Express them with Verbal Expressions. AMBILIGHTUBE. Meenie/8bit.js. TinyJSid - the first HTML5/JavaScript C64 music player. ECMA-262 » JavaScript. The core. Read this article in: Japanese, German (version 2), Arabic, Russian, French, Chinese.

ECMA-262 » JavaScript. The core.

This note is an overview and summary of the “ECMA-262-3 in detail” series. Every section contains references to the appropriate matching chapters so you can read them to get a deeper understanding. Intended audience: experienced programmers, professionals. We start out by considering the concept of an object, which is fundamental to ECMAScript. ECMAScript, being a highly-abstracted object-oriented language, deals with objects. An object is a collection of properties and has a single prototype object. Let’s take a basic example of an object. For the code: we have the structure with two explicit own properties and one implicit __proto__ property, which is the reference to the prototype of foo: Forebruary inspired js calendar.