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Help Exchange: free volunteer work exchange abroad Australia New Zealand Canada Europe. Almost Invisible Mirrored Tree House Built In Sweden. Invisible TreeHouse? Really? They said it couldn't be done. When we first wrote about the almost invisible treehouse to be built in Sweden by Tham & Videgard, 899 commenters thought it was AutoCad eye candy, impossible to build and death for birds. But they built it, one of six units in a "Treehotel" opening this weekend 40 miles south of the Arctic Circle in Sweden. The four meter glass cube looks as spectacular in reality as it did in the rendering. Everything will reflect in this - the trees, the birds, the clouds, the sun, everything. And what about the birds? The units are constructed from sustainably harvested wood and have electric radiant floor heating and "a state-of-the-art eco-friendly incineration toilet" (I have owned an incinerating toilet and they are anything but eco-friendly, using a huge amount of electricity, creating noise and a pall of burned poop smell when the wind isn't blowing.

But other than that minor quibble, it appears to be a truly eco resort. Is This the Highest Concentration of Treehouses in the World? Man Builds Ewok Village in Oregon. FairCompanies/Video screen capture From an almost invisible treehouse of mirrors to a slideshow of magical treehouses fit for a Treehugger, we've featured a fair few treehouses in our time. but it looks like we have yet to feature the work of Michael Garnier and his "treesort" in the forests of Oregon. Garnier has created what looks like an ewok village, despite initial opposition from planning authorities. Besides the obvious eco benefits of not chopping down trees, there's something to be said for giving people such a close appreciation of the majesty of the forest.

And from avoiding too rigid a structure to sizing the house to fit the tree, there's plenty of practical advice for treehouse builders of any size or ambition. (Garnier sells plans for all kinds of treehouses over at his website Thanks once again to FairCompanies for another beautiful video. Une cathédrale végétale. Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de la « cathédrale végétale » ?! Située au pied du mont Arera dans le nord de l’Italie, la construction de cette cathédrale a commencé en 2001.

A l’origine de cette idée, Giuliano Mauri, qui voulait réaliser un projet d’architecture naturelle sur la Terre. Il n’a malheureusement pas pu voir son invention acheminée en 2010 puisqu’il est mort au printemps 2009. L’idée est tout à fait originale… Elle consiste à reproduire une cathédrale gothique aux bonnes dimensions à base d’arbres et d’objets naturels, conformément à l’art ancien de tissage. Composée de 5 nefs et 42 colonnes, elle a été construite avec du bois de sapins, des branches de châtaigniers et noisetiers. Dans chacune des colonnes il y a un jeune hêtre qui pousse dans une « cage naturelle ».

Mauri s’est investi dans de nombreuses créations ayant chacune un certain respect pour l’environnement. Giuliano Mauri déclarait : « A l’intérieur de ces édifices, j'ai placé de charmantes petites plantes. Help Exchange: free volunteer work exchange abroad Australia New Zealand Canada Europe.

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