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Shapeways - Make, buy, and sell custom products with 3D Printing. Round Motor Housing by sath on Shapeways. ServoMountv06 by sath on Shapeways. RN-XV WiFly Module - Wire Antenna - WRL-10822. Introduction ← BrickPi. Use a PS3 Controller to control an Arduino NXT Bot. UPDATE: I've fixed a couple of running bugs with the data packet, and I've modified the NXTI2CDevice library to be compatible with Arduino 1.0.

Use a PS3 Controller to control an Arduino NXT Bot

The attached zip file has 1. a new Arduino sketch 2. a new Processing sketch 3. the modified NXTI2CDevice library You'll still need the Procontroll library in Processing, though. Greetings, everyone, and welcome to my first instructable! Today we'll be covering a few major bases to get to the final goal: controlling an Arduino-based robot via a PS3 remote! By the end of this instructable, you'll be able to control the speeds of both NXT motors with the two analog sticks of a PS3 controller. Here's the idea: A PS3 communicates via bluetooth to the computer sending the value of its analog sticks to the Processing program.

Here are the three basic milestones that we'll cover: If you aren't quite comfortable with either Processing or Arduino's Programming languages--fear not! All right, Let's get started! Palm Arduino Plus. #8043 : Télécommande Android via carte Arduino en bluetooth. Salut, C'est un sujet qui m’intéresse car avant de me remettre au lego je me suis acheté des arduinos, avec une multitude de module (capteur de distance, barrière InfraRouge pour faire un tachometer, Led, écran LCD, etc.).

#8043 : Télécommande Android via carte Arduino en bluetooth

C'est ensuite où je me suis dis que j’essaierai de mettre cela en œuvre avec des legos et puis la drogue TLG est revenue comme dans mon enfance.... Bref, pour ta modification, il y a aussi la possibilité de mettre une diode IR émettrice sur un pinout de l’arduino pour qu’il communique avec le receiver IR Lego.J'ai vu sur un forum une personne qui avait traduit le code IR Lego qui permettait de "converser" avec les récepteurs IR Lego à partir d'une led IR émettrice ( ... power.html). Je compte réutiliser ce système pas en tant que télécommande mais en tant que système embarqué (comme toi) pour éviter de modifier les PFS Lego et ca fait plus "propre" que les fils qui ressortent du récepteur, une diode IR entre à peu près dans un hole Lego.

Bonne continuation ! Palm Arduino V3. I design and create this Palm Arduino V3 prototype PCB, as I was tired of recreating Arduino Compatible on perf board every time I prototyping a new project, especially when I had to spend a lot of time tracing the wiring to see that I made the right connection.

Palm Arduino V3

I design this Palm Arduino (version 3) prototype PCB to be encased by Lego bricks, especially Lego Technic Bricks, for the reason that I was hooked by the Lego after my first Lego project - R/ C Lego Car. And I am working on a couple projects that are using Lego Technic components with Arduino. (I will post instructables as the project is ready to post.) Also, I want to be able to use Palm Arduino in wide variety fashions. For example I could use either right angle female connectors or straight female connectors. or could use straight power switch or right angle power switch. etc. For these reason Lego bricks are the best option to be used as the case of Palm Arduino Version 3. Palm Arduino Plus.

Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Lego NXT Project Resources. Arduino pour NXT et EV3. Arduino pour NXT et EV3. R/C LEGO® "The Bull" Buggy. There are more than 20 models of LEGO®'s Dune Buggy type car, even more than the models in LEGO® Race Car category.

R/C LEGO® "The Bull" Buggy

Dune Buggy is usually four wheels drive off road vehicle, which would not be used on the road. Now that I got excited on the "dune buggy", and was also inspired by 1998 LEGO®'s Turbo Command 8428/8432 (See picture 6 and 7), I designed my own buggy, "The Bull" Buggy. "The Bull" Buggy is larger, and more complicate car to build than my two other LEGO cars, R/C Lego Car (or R/C Lego Car Redux) and Wireless Lego Car. It needed bigger or more power (torque) to drive the car.

So I decided to use round 24mm. diameter with 9V input power. This 3D printed motor housing was designed to be used with the Lego's parts, and compatible with Lego Modular System just like my smaller version of the motor housing for 130-type DC motor (See Step 1 of my R/C LEGO Car Redux.) The "Bull" Buggy's features: Shock absorbers. More photos and video in Step 13. R/C LEGO® "The Bull" Buggy.