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Enlace de bibliotecas digitales con 109208 ebooks. Ordenamiento: Vista de los resultados: Libros premiados con: Alvarez Quintero Serafin Y Joaquin - Obras Completas - Tomo VI Mult Los hermanos Serafín y Joaquín Álvarez Quintero son autores andaluces que cosecharon un gran éxito hace aproximadamente un siglo. Su producción es básicamente de comedias y se divide en las ambientadas en su Andalucía natal, tamizada por los recuerdos de su infancia y presentando siempre una visión luminosa y alegre, y las ambientadas en Madrid, más amargas. En cualquier caso, la mayoría son divertidas y siempre muy bien escritas. Este volumen comprende las estrenadas desde el 28 de mayo de 1935 hasta el 10 de diciembre de 1948 inclusive.

Tamaño: 12.490 Kb, Teatro,Varios 2021-02-13 Amin Samir - El Desarrollo Desigual Pdf Ensayo sobre las formaciones sociales del capitalismo periférico. Tamaño: 21.874 Kb, Sociales,Economía 2021-02-13 Arretxe Perez Jon - Sueños De Tanger Mult Tamaño: 1.239 Kb, Narrativa,Thriller 2021-02-13 (Desde los inicios hasta el siglo XIX). Sacred Texts: Buddhism. Sacred-texts home Journal Articles: Buddhism OCRT: Buddhism Buy CD-ROM Buy Books about Buddhism Modern works Southern Buddhism Northern Buddhism JatakaLinks Modern works The Gospel of Buddha: Compiled from Ancient Records by Paul Carus [1909]A modern retelling of the Buddha's work and life. Buddha, the Word by Paul Carus Amitabha by Paul Carus [1906]Buddhist concepts of God, non-violence, and religious tolerance. The Buddhist Catechism by Henry S. Olcott (42nd. ed.) [1908]A unity platform for Buddhists, drawn up by Buddhism's first modern western convert. The Creed of Buddha by Edmond Holmes (2nd. ed.) [1919]A Pantheist looks at contemporary Western views of Buddhism.

The Life of Buddha by Andre Ferdinand Herold [1922], tr. by Paul C. A Buddhist Bible by Dwight Goddard (1st ed.) [1932]An edited (but not watered-down) collection of key Zen documents, a favorite of Jack Kerouac. Southern Buddhism The Dhammapada and The Sutta Nipâta (SBE10), Dhammapada tr. by Max Müller; Sutta-Nipâta tr. by V. Libros | Hare Krishna. Escritores universales - Fomento de las Artes de Jalisco. | Primera Página | Anterior | Siguiente | Última página | Mostrando Del 0 al 20 de 225 Acuña ManuelAguilar Camín HéctorAkhmantova AnaAlatriste SealtielAlberti RafaelAlighieri DanteAllende IsabelAlonso DámasoAltolaguirre ManuelAmado JorgeAmor Guadalupe (Pita Amor)Antaki IkramArgüelles HugoAridjis Homero Arreola Juan JoséAsimov IsaacAura AlejandroAvilés Fabila RenéAzar hector Azuela Arturo Derechos Reservados ®2016 Fomento de las Artes de Jalisco A.C.

Dioscórides Interactivo. Dioscórides de Salamanca. Page #2 - featured browse - Sacred Books of the East Index. Sacred-texts home Hinduism Taoism Confucianism Buddhism Jainism Islam ZoroastrianismBuy CD-ROM Buy books: Sacred Books of the East Table of ContentsIndex of TranslatorsTransliteration TablesAvailable reprints The Sacred Books of the East (SBE) series, comprising fifty volumes, was issued by the Oxford University Press between 1879 and 1910.

It has translations of key sacred texts of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, and Islam. The series was edited by the famous linguist and scholar of comparative religion, Max Müller. He wrote three of the volumes, and collaborated on three others. The SBE has been designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as part of the UNESCO Collection of Representative Works.

This series was the one of the inspirations for the sacred-texts website. NEW: The SBE is complete The difficulties of turning these books into etexts were enormous, and required great care and diligence. Perseus Collections/Texts. THE BRITISH LIBRARY - The world's knowledge. Legado Maya. Books. Welcome to the International Dunhuang Project. Electronic Resources - East Asian Library - University of California, Berkeley - StumbleUpon. Libraries/Resources. Welcome to The New York Public Library.