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Adorable Portraits of Puppies Enjoying a Good Shake. Koda Vincent For dogs, shaking off can a calming activity, one that relaxes the muscles while getting rid of pesky moisture, bugs, or even negative emotions.

Adorable Portraits of Puppies Enjoying a Good Shake

For Portland-based photographer Carli Davidson, dogs provide a similar sense of restoration and healing. In the sometimes painful world we live in, our furry friends are always there to remind us of what’s so beautiful, silly, and joyous about life. On the heels of her viral hit SHAKE, in which she captured dogs in the midst of a particularly satisfying shimmy, Davidson presents her new book SHAKE Puppies. The concept for SHAKE Puppies came about, Davidson explains, when she introduced SHAKE to her friend’s second-grade students, who immediately suggested she turn her lens to younger dogs as well. Yes, there were accidents, but overall, the pups were the perfect models; since they tend to be more responsive than older dogs, it was relatively easy to get them to shake after being wetted or carefully jostled.

Meatball Josie Hans Cloud. Portraits of Exotic Animals. Le photographe Brad Wilson a saisi le regard profond d’animaux exotiques.

Portraits of Exotic Animals

Ces derniers regardent en direction de l’objectif, nous obligeant à notre tour à les regarder droit dans les yeux. Photographer Captures Personality in his Colorful Portraits of Show Birds. An Incomplete Dictionary of Show Birds began with a very simple idea, that I wanted to photograph budgies.

Photographer Captures Personality in his Colorful Portraits of Show Birds

I met a great deal of people (mostly men) who were very knowledgeable about their hobby and only too happy to share it with me. Their enthusiasm became infectious so that by simply photographing a species I felt I was adding it to my collection. —Luke Stephenson Luke Stephenson is a Britain-based photographer often recognized for his humorous and affectionate portraits of both animate and inanimate objects.

He is represented by The Photographers Gallery in London. An Incomplete Dictionary of Show Birds is his new book, featuring 60 color plates and available in four limited edition covers. This post was contributed by contributing editor Amanda Gorence. Announcing The BlowUp 2: 10 photographers talk about their favorite ‘SUBCULTURE’ photo. Claire Rosen's Striking Portraits of Birds. Birds of a Feather by NYC-based Claire Rosen, is a portrait series of live birds ranging from the common Parakeet to the exotic Hyacinth Macaw.

Claire Rosen's Striking Portraits of Birds

The birds are posed against complimentary vintage looking wallpaper to encourage optical illusion and visual blending. At the time Rosen had just finished a series of taxidermy animal still life images for a residency in upstate New York at the Millbrook School. The series, which was photographed on all black, was very dark and she wanted to work on something a bit lighter.

She began brainstorming about less traditional background options and came up with the idea to use vintage wallpaper. She gathered inspiration from Victorian Optical Illusion Postcards, hence her blend of bird and background. Feature Shoot Contributing Editor Julia Sabot is the Associate Photo Editor at Dwell. Adorable Shelter Dogs Resemble Famous Authors in "Poetic Dogs" Series. Portraits of Shelter Dogs Resembling Your Favorite Authors and Poets. Charles Bukowski Charles Dickens Charles Pierre Baudelaire When Italian photographer Dan Bannino adopted his dog Rothko from a shelter last March, he was overcome by tears, both for himself and for his new best friend.

Portraits of Shelter Dogs Resembling Your Favorite Authors and Poets

Rothko’s unconditional love serves as the motivation for Poetic Dogs, in which Bannino couples homeless shelter dogs with his favorite authors and poets. Animal portraits by Morten Koldby. Gregory Colbert. Gregory Colbert's Ashes and Snow is an ongoing project comprised of photographic artworks, a one-hour film, two short films, and a novel in letters.

Gregory Colbert

The work is shown in a purpose-built temporary structure called the Nomadic Museum. Ashes and Snow debuted in Venice, Italy, in 2002 and was presented in the first Nomadic Museum in 2005 in New York City. Ashes and Snow then traveled in the Nomadic Museum to Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Mexico City. It is charted to migrate around the globe with no final destination.

La “bimba e il gatto” serie fotografica di Andy Prokh. Il fotografo russo Andy Prokh ha creato questa bella serie intitolata “Little Girl and the Cat“, la bambina ed il gatto, in cui esprime, con sapore vintage, tutta la sua arte fotografica nel rappresentare la piccola protagonista in azioni quotidiane o in situazioni divertenti in compagnia del suo simpatico gatto nero.

La “bimba e il gatto” serie fotografica di Andy Prokh

Foto surreali con animali veri. La fotografa russa Katerina Plotnikova ha realizzato queste foto strabilianti con animali veri.

Foto surreali con animali veri

Giacomo Brunelli - The Animals. Italian photographer Giacomo Brunelli has been photographing animals in backyards, fields and farms since 2005, and defines his work as 'animal-focused street photography'.

Giacomo Brunelli - The Animals

By pushing the lens to its closest point of focus, almost touching the subject, he forces the animals to either flight or fight, which is exactly the moment he releases the shutter. It is all about capturing that moment of reaction, triggered through various approaches that vary from animal to animal. Whether it is ignoring them, running after them or using their natural curiosity for the shot, Brunelli's images are striking for their immediacy as a direct consequence of the intervention by the photographer.

Shot with a Japanese camera from the '60s, Brunelli's use of morning twilight or diffused light on a cloudy day adds to the haziness of the atmosphere and the fleetingness of the moment.