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Transactions for the REST of Us. SOAP vs REST in the service layer for mobile applications. With the surge in native mobile applications and the advent of players like Android, IPhone, Palm and other big players into this market, providing frameworks to develop applications native to the device, it is important for developers to understand performance implications for every operation that the application is going to perform.

SOAP vs REST in the service layer for mobile applications

The service layer has always been a most important factor for any enterprise as that is where they have put all their money in. During the last ten years, organizations have made significant investments in SOAP-based infrastructure such as Enterprise Service Buses (ESBs) and Business Process Management (BPM) software based on WS-BPEL. The SOAP binding will allow organizations to leverage those investments in building interoperable content repositories. Within the enterprise and in B2B scenarios, SOAP is still very attractive. Facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in enterprise software development. your Java Community discussing server side development. Open Source - SOA, Cloud Computing, Java PaaS.

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