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Big Pharma supports the antivaccine movement–the real conspiracy. One of the ongoing memes, tropes and fabrications of the vaccine deniers is somehow, somewhere, in some Big Pharma boardroom, a group of men in suits choose the next vaccine in some magical way, and foist it upon the world just to make billions of dollars. And while magically concocting the vaccine brew, these pharmaceutical execs ignore ethics and morals just to make a profit on hapless vaccine-injured victims worldwide. It’s one of my favorite tropes of the antivaccination world. The vaccine deniers pollute the internet with their screeds about the profits of vaccines. One of them said, “measles expert Offit has already made millions of dollars profit from his ties to vaccines and the measles MMR vaccine maker Merck.” Using a childish ad hominem, the article calls him, Dr. Paul “For Profit” Offit. You can find whole threads of tedious commentary about vaccine profits on any typical anti-vaccine forum.

Let’s take a look at these profits from two different perspectives. (page 41). Related. Catherine Malabou – Continental Philosophy and the Brain: Towards a Critical Neuroscience. Backdoor Broadcasting Company Subscribe to Rss Feed You are here: Backdoor Broadcasting Company Academic Service Academic Service - Archive Catherine Malabou – Continental Philosophy and the Brain: Towards a Critical Neuroscience Catherine Malabou – Continental Philosophy and the Brain: Towards a Critical Neuroscience Event Date: 2 February 2012Clattern Lecture TheatreKingston University Penrhyn Road CampusKingston-upon-Thames KT1 2EE Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP) Inaugural Lecture Professor Catherine MalabouContinental Philosophy and the Brain: Towards a Critical Neuroscience Introduction by Professor Julius Weinberg (Vice-Chancellor, Kingston University) .

Lecture download Vote of Thanks by Professor Peter Osborne download Link to this page Copy the code below to your web site. Get LinkToThisPage from the Creative Real Estate Investing Guide. <A HREF=" Tags: CRMEP, Kingston University, Malabou (Catherine), Philosophy No comments Leave a reply. Welcome to entropysite. Biocentrism Demystified: A Response to Deepak Chopra and Robert Lanza's Notion of a Conscious Universe. Co-authored with Ajita Kamal Editor’s Note: This article has been cited by P.Z. Myers at Pharyngula and Steven Novella at Neurologica. “It is almost irresistible for humans to believe that we have some special relation to the universe, that human life is not just a more-or-less farcical outcome of a chain of accidents reaching back to the first three minutes, but that we were somehow built in from the beginning.”

–Steven Weinberg “You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. 1. The impulse to see human life as central to the existence of the universe is manifested in the mystical traditions of practically all cultures. In their recent article in The Huffington Post, biologist Robert Lanza and mystic Deepak Chopra put forward their idea that the universe is itself a product of our consciousness, and not the other way around as scientists have been telling us. 2.

“Consider the color and brightness of everything you see ‘out there.’ 3. 4. Multiple universes 5. 6. 7. 8. Theories, models and the future of science | The Curious Wavefunction. Dark matter and dark energy: Models for accounting for the distribution of matter and the acceleration of the universe (Image: Edelweiss) Last year’s Nobel Prize for physics was awarded to Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess for their discovery of an accelerating universe, a finding leading to the startling postulate that 75% of our universe contains a hitherto unknown entity called dark energy.

This is an important discovery which is predated by brilliant minds and an exciting history. It continues a grand narrative that starts from Henrietta Swan Leavitt (who established a standard reference for calculating astronomical distances) through Albert Einstein (whose despised cosmological constant was resurrected by these findings) and Edwin Hubble, continuing through George Lemaitre and George Gamow (with their ideas about the Big Bang) and finally culminating in our current sophisticated understanding of the expanding universe.

This is a revised version of a past post.