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Le chaos et l'entropie. 1 – Digital Humanities. DomainSpecificLanguage. Domain specific language tags: The basic idea of a domain specific language (DSL) is a computer language that's targeted to a particular kind of problem, rather than a general purpose language that's aimed at any kind of software problem.


Productivity Tools. Creativity. Thinklinkr: the best real-time collaborative online outliner. Dsl. Industry Trade Group. Experts. BrainStorm: accelerates thinking, writing and planning. Flashcards. Five Open Source Apps For Writers and Authors. By Lisa Hoover - Jul. 17, 2009Comments (9) Even if you have the perfect idea for the next Great American Novel, getting it down on paper is never easy.

Five Open Source Apps For Writers and Authors

While you could always use standard word processors like OpenOffice Write or AbiWord, they don't have the bells and whistles that make writing books, manuals, and theses as easy as possible. Fortunately, there are a few open source applications that help budding authors get stories out of their heads and into the hands of readers. Kabikaboo - This recursive writing assistant is perfect for managing large documents, technical manuals, and long novels. It arranges data in tree-form so parent modules, their children, and their grandchildren can be easily moved around and rearranged.